Storage Facilities
Performance Considerations
System Surveillance

What is considered a short duration work zone?  A) Up to 3 hours  B) Up to 2 days   C) Up to 1 hour  D) Up to 1 week

C) Up to 1 hour


What is the purpose of a Clear Well?   A) Store Excess Water   B) Save Batman  C) Provide water for the water system   D) To protect the system from contamination

A) Store excess water


What is the recommended min/max PSI for the distribution system?



True or False -- The best and trusted evaluation of water quality can be obtained from sample drawn directionally from the main



What is the best source of pumping power?

Electric Meters


What is considered "High Speed" in a work zone?  A) Greater than 30MPH  B) Greater than 40MPH   C) Greater than 55MPH  D) Greater than 65MPH 

B) Greater than 40MPH


Where should all storage facilities be located?  A) Located on high ground at or near a wet field or at a point in the distribution system where equalizing storage needed.   B) Near an open body of water  C) Above drainage areas and locations subject to flooding  D) As far away from the city as possible

C) Above Drainage areas and locations subject to flooding


Any pip with a hydrant on the line must be at least ___" in diameter



What should be inspected after heavy rain or flooding?  A) Meters  B) Water Mains  C) Blowoffs  D) Hydrants

C) Blowoffs


Head is measured in....A) Absolute pressure

B) Gauge Pressure   C) Feet   D) Foot-pounds

C. Feet


At 55MPH the distance it takes to stop a heavy weight vehicle on dry pavement is:  A) 100'   B) 170'   C) 250'   D) 500'

B) 170'


What is the importance of surge protection?  A) To protect equipment and personnel  B) To protect from corrosion   C) Help prevent water hammers  D) Prevent water from going into my water bottle

A & C


On water mains 12" or smaller, hydrants should be no more than how many feet apart?



Which is NOT one of the 3 rules that federal and state regulations use to monitor water quality.....A) Total coliform rule  B) Lead and copper rule  C) Trihalomethane rule  D) Turbidity Rule

D) Turbidity Rule


A plat is....  A) A map  B) A corrosion point on a pipe  C) Organelle found in some protozoans    D) A highly corrosive soil type

A) A Map


When working in or near an intersection where traffic is controlled by a traffic light, you must.....  A) Notify the owners 1 day before   B) Do nothing   C) Continue to work as is  D)Notify the owner before work begins

D)  Notify the owners before work begins


What are standpipes constructed of?  A) Plastic  B) Steel or Concrete  C) Wood  D) Copper or aluminum

B) Steel or contrete


Water facilities are often built over ___ times the capacity more than the normal user demands.



Micro organisms; Disinfection byproducts; Organic and inorganic chemicals are all examples of what?

Containments in drinking water


Which type of valve will prevent the collapse of a pipe? A) Pressure-relief valve   B) Needle valve   C) Pinch valve   D) Air-and-vacuum relief valve

D) Air-and-vacuum relief valve


Who must be notified anytime traffic may be affected by roadwork?   A) The governing road authority  B) The local DMV  C) The CIA   D) The town counsel

A) The governing road authority


What is the main function of a distribution storage facility? A) Take care of dial demands and peak demands   B) Store Excess water   C) Provide large volumes of water at low pressure  D) To protect piping systems from hydraulic transients

A) Take care of daily demands and peak demands


Where should distribution reservoir be located?

Close to center of use as possible


What is one reason for surveillance of distribution systems?  A) Deterioration of equipment/facility  B) Watch for animals  C) Ensure the facility is secure from theft  D) Packages are received to the correct area of the facility

A) Deterioration of equipment/facility  B) Watch for animals


The highest degree of protection for the exterior of a coated steel pipe is... A) Cathodic Protection   B) Bituminous Materials  C) Plastic Coatings  D) Polyethylene Tapes

A) Cathodic Protection