Text Evidence
Multiple Meaning Words

What is a prefix?

What is a suffix?

What is a root?

Prefix - letters added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning

Suffix - letters added to the end of a word to change the meaning

Root Word - the "base" main part of the word


What is text evidence?

pieces or quotations from the text that support an idea


What is a multiple meaning word?

Give an example

A word that has various meanings.

Fly, Bark, Bit, etc.


What is an inference?

An educated guess using background knowledge and text evidence


What is a cause?

The reason something happens

Give one example of a prefix and how to use it


To NOT understand


Find evidence to support why the Hoover Dam was built.

The Colorado River provides freshwater for millions of people in the West.  For a long time, it also caused flooding.  In the 1930s, the US government built a dam on the Colorado River.  A dam is a large wall built to stop water from flowing.  It was called the Hoover Dam.  The Hoover Dam was built to prevent flooding.  Building the Hoover Dam also provided water for farming.  The energy of the water was used to make electricity.

The Hoover Dam was built to prevent flooding.



What part of speech is each word?

I present the award to the winner tonight.

I gave my son a present.




What is the formula/equation for inference?

Background Knowledge + Text Evidence = Inference


What is an effect?

The result


Give one example of a suffix and how to use it

-or, -ar, -er 

turns a verb into a person


How was electricity generated?  

What sentence can you use to support your answer?

The Colorado River provides freshwater for millions of people in the West.  For a long time, it also caused flooding.  In the 1930s, the US government built a dam on the Colorado River.  A dam is a large wall built to stop water from flowing.  It was called the Hoover Dam.  The Hoover Dam was built to prevent flooding.  Building the Hoover Dam also provided water for farming.  The energy of the water was used to make electricity.

The energy of the water was used to make electricity.


Give me an example of a multiple meaning word and two ways it can be used.



How is the bunny feeling?

The bunny was shaking in his den as the wind blew and the snow heavily came down.



What is the cause and what is the effect?

The girl was angry with her boyfriend, so she broke up with him.

cause - she was angry

effect - she broke up with him


What happens when you add the suffix -ion

Give an example

signifies the result of an a act or process of



Why is there a problem in California?

What is the best sentence to support your answer?

Since 2013, California has had a water problem.  There is not enough water for everyone.  In 2014, the governor told people to use 20 percent less water.  The needs for water vary across the state.

"There is not enough water for everyone."


Use the multiple meaning word store in two sentences: 

1 as a verb

2 as a noun



What is one inference you can make with the following text:

The Colorado River provides freshwater for millions of people in the West.  For a long time, it also caused flooding.  In the 1930s, the US government built a dam on the Colorado River.  A dam is a large wall built to stop water from flowing.  It was called the Hoover Dam.  The Hoover Dam was built to prevent flooding.  Building the Hoover Dam also provided water for farming.  The energy of the water was used to make electricity.

various answers


When do you use each word:




but - to add something opposing

so - to signal an effect

because - to signal a cause


Change this word to fit in the blank:


She came to the ____________ that the boy would never be hers.



How do experts determine the amount of water each district is allowed?

What sentence best supports your answer?

California has 10 water districts.  In each one, experts decide how much water people can use.  They look at how the land is used.  They look at how many people live at each address.  One district allows each person to use 50 gallons of water per day.  Anyone who uses more than that is subject to fines.

"They look at how the land is used." 

"They look at how many people live at each address."


"They look at how many people live at each address."

Which sentence uses the word address in the same way?

A. The packages were sent to my uncle's address on River Road.

B. Mr. Raymond's address to the group was too long.

C. Jamal's letter came back because he did not address it correctly.



Infer: Why do the experts care what the land is used for?

California has 10 water districts.  In each one, experts decide how much water people can use.  They look at how the land is used.  They look at how many people live at each address.  One district allows each person to use 50 gallons of water per day.  Anyone who uses more than that is subject to fines. 



What is one cause and one effect you can infer from the following paragraph:

Since 2013, California has had a water problem.  There is not enough water for everyone.  In 2014, the governor told people to use 20 percent less water.  The needs for water vary across the state.

Cause: drought

Effect: Water restrictions