Local Authorities
Water Analysis
Water in Wartime
Wild Card

Put in order from highest level to lowest:

state, county, country, city, village

country, state, county, city, village


What does TDS stand for?

Total Dissolved Solids


Which of these words are related to the job of security?

Situational awareness, alkalinity, emotional sensitivity, incident reports, threat level, political correctness

Situational awareness, incident reports, threat level,


How does the military usually receive drinking water? 

-from wells or boreholes, 

-bulk water trucking with delivery to water tanks

-trucking of bottled water.

And how many liters are issued per soldier per day?

trucking of bottled water

1.5L in winter, 3L in summer (depending on the unit)


Put in order from best English accent to worst:

Daniel, Greg, Craig, Liudmila, Hugh Grant, Zelensky

Hugh Grant, Daniel, Greg, Craig, Liudmila, Zelensky 


Which of these describe Vodakanal?

-A single national public (government) water utility

-Many unrelated public (government) small water utilities.  (not national).

-Many unrelated private (for profit) small water utilities. (not national)

-Many unrelated private (for profit) small water utilities. (not national)

(According to Sergey!)


Which of these are usually tested in a lab analysis?

Nitrates, nitrites, gold, PH, barium, manganese, sulfates, fashionability 

Nitrates, nitrites, PH, manganese, sulfates


What does FPV stand for? 

What does IFAK stand for?

First Person View

Individual First Aid Kit


Who controls the main supply of water to Kalynove, Donest Oblast. (See map)



Pronounce these words! 

Trucking, tracking, months, clothes, water, potato, hello

Trucking, tracking, months, clothes, water, potato, hello


Name 3 stakeholders in most water projects (for ex., a new borehole and filtration system).  i.e. who benefits from it or owns it or is involved in operating it. 

The people who will drink the water, water utilities, NGO's, suppliers of equipment for the project (for example filter systems), suppliers of services for the project (for example, drilling), local politicians, grocery stores, water delivery companies, donors


Put in order of least expensive to most expensive:

Official Lab Analysis, Total Dissolved Solids hand held test, Unofficial Lab Analysis, tasting and looking at a sample

tasting and looking at a sample, TDS hand held test, Unofficial, Official 

List 3 factors which contribute to a security recommendation and decision.  (i.e. whether mission should be conducted or not.)

Distance from the front, level of combat activity in the area, importance of the mission (i.e. is it worth taking any risk for), experience of the employees on the mission, road conditions, and various others


Who controls the main supply of water to Crimea? 



Name 8 job types which are created by water supply operations and support staff.  (Can be within Water Mission or outside of Water Mission).

Finance, marketing, trucking, security, liaison, drilling, stationary water tank supplier, bottling, fundraising, water engineer etc.


When a water supply problem has a simple common sense solution, but the solution is blocked by authorities for stupid reasons, it might be an example of:

a. bureaucracy b. laziness c. corruption d. power hungry politicians being idiots e. all of the above

all of the above!


How much water do you need for a sample for a lab analysis?

500ml, 2m3, 2L, 7kg, 2 barrels, 2 gallons 



Describe each source of intelligence as either open source or closed source; near real-time or delayed; reliable or unreliable:

Institute for the Study of War

Local Telegram Channel

Your friend in a military unit

CIA/FSB/DIA and other alphabet soup organizations

ISW: open, delayed, reliable

Telegram: open, near real-time, some reliable some unreliable

Your friend: closed, near real-time, depends on your friend

Alphabet soup: closed, near real-time, reliable-is


Name two factors which make water terrain important during wartime: (for example, lakes, rivers, swamps, the sea) 

Source of drinking water, source of technical water, defensive obstacle, transport of products by ship, water skiing


List 5 uses of water resources

drinking water, technical water, agriculture, factories, electricity production, sports and fun, fishing, transport of heavy cargo (farm crops, steel etc.)


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Which source is more likely to be the least dirty source? 

-River downstream from factories or river upstream from factories?

-swamp or lake?

 -borehole or well?    





Match the weapon to the range:

Artillery, mortars, AK-74 rifle, T-72 Tank, Cruise missle, Shahed Drone (Moped)  

300m, 3km, 10km, 20km, all of Ukraine, all of Ukraine

Artillery 20km, mortars 10km, AK-74 500m, T-72 Tank 2km, Shahed all of Ukraine, Cruise Missile all of Ukraine


Name 3 dams which have been destroyed, damaged, or attacked in Ukraine.

Kakhovka Dam, Karlivka Dam, Inhulets Dam, Zaporizhzhia Hydroelectric Station, Kyiv Hydroelectric Station