Water Hazards
Drowning Prevention
Weather and Water
Swimming Techniques
First Aid

This water hazard occurs when water levels rise rapidly due to heavy rainfall or melting snow.

What is a flash flood?


This important piece of equipment can greatly reduce the risk of drowning, especially in open water or while boating

What is a lifejacket or a flotation device?


This weather event, characterized by high winds and heavy rain, can create dangerous conditions for swimmers and boaters, leading to increased risk of capsizing and drowning.

What is a thunderstorm or severe storm?


To conserve energy, it's important to use this technique, which involves lying on your back and allowing your body to float naturally.

What is floating?


This life-saving technique involves providing chest compressions and rescue breaths to a drowning victim who is unresponsive and not breathing.

What is CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)?


These hidden hazards beneath the water's surface, such as rocks or debris, can pose a danger to swimmers.

What are submerged objects?


This safety device, often overlooked, can be crucial for preventing drowning incidents in residential pools

What is a pool cover?


Before heading out on the water, it's crucial to check this weather condition, which can greatly affect water safety by reducing visibility and creating rough seas

What is fog or foggy conditions?


This basic swimming technique involves kicking your legs while keeping your body horizontal and using your arms to pull yourself through the water.

What is freestyle or front crawl?

When providing first aid to a conscious drowning victim, it's important to maintain this position to keep their airway clear and allow them to breathe.

What is the recovery position or the head-tilt chin-lift position?


This natural water phenomenon occurs when a strong current flows away from the shore, often catching swimmers off guard

What is a rip current?


This type of safety education involves teaching individuals, especially children, about the dangers of swimming alone or without supervision

What is the buddy-system?

Before going boating, it's important to check this weather condition to ensure safe conditions on the water, as strong winds can create hazardous waves and currents.

What is the wind forecast or wind speed and direction?


This safety technique involves using a combination of arm and leg movements to stay afloat and conserve energy while waiting for rescue.

What is treading?


This life-saving maneuver involves performing abdominal thrusts to dislodge an obstruction from the airway of a choking victim.

What is the Heimlich maneuver or abdominal thrusts?


The term for large, powerful waves that can be hazardous for swimmers and coastal structures, often caused by distant weather events

What are rogue waves?


This skill, often overlooked, is essential for individuals to know in case they encounter someone in trouble in the water.

What is knowing how to perform basic water rescue or reach, throw, don't go techniques?


During this weather event, characterized by intense heat and high humidity, it's important to stay hydrated and seek shade to avoid heat-related illnesses while participating in water activities.

What is a heatwave or extreme heat conditions?


This swim stroke, often used for rescue purposes, involves pushing the water downward with your arms while keeping your body on the surface.

What is the breaststroke?


When providing first aid to a drowning victim, it's important to monitor their vital signs, including this, to assess their condition and response to treatment.

What is checking for breathing, pulse, and consciousness?

The state in which oxygen is not available in sufficient amounts to maintain homeostasis

What is hypoxia?


This important aspect of drowning prevention involves teaching individuals how to recognize when someone is in distress in the water and how to respond effectively

What is recognizing the signs of drowning and knowing how to assist or rescue someone in trouble?


It's important to seek shelter immediately, as water can conduct this natural phenomenon, putting swimmers and boaters at risk of injury or electrocution.  

What is lightning?


When swimming in open water, it's important to use this technique to maintain your direction and avoid veering off course.

What is sighting or lifting your head periodically to check your direction?


 This life-saving technique involves applying direct pressure to a wound to control bleeding and prevent further blood loss.

What is applying pressure to the wound or using a pressure bandage?