The most common type of water found on Earth
What is saltwater?
Water that falls from the sky is called this
What is rain?
Another word for rain
What is precipitation?
What is the hydrosphere?
Deer drinking water
What are the hydrosphere and the biosphere?
The Great Lakes are filled with this type of water
What is freshwater?
Water vapor in the atmosphere is stored in these
What are clouds?
The sphere with living things
What is the biosphere?
What is the atmosphere?
Person mining for gold
This type of water is created from rain that is trapped underground
What is an aquifer?
When water moves from the ocean to the sky it is called this
What is evaporation?
Water turning to water vapor
What is evaporation?
Ocean waves
What are the atmosphere and the hydrosphere?
This type of water makes up 1% of Earth's water
What is freshwater?
Water needs to be this temperature for evaporation
What is hot?
Water vapor turning into water
What is the geosphere?
Moss on a rock
What are the biosphere and the geosphere?
This type of water makes up 2% of Earth's water
What is frozen water?
What is cold?
What is the geosphere?
What is the atmosphere?
What is the hydrosphere and the atmosphere?