Easy Math
Hard Math
Number of notes in an octave
What is eight notes in an octave? (CDEFGABC)
If the period is 3/5 second, the frequency is ...
What is 5/3 Hz?
A wave generator that produces a wave every 0.1 seconds with a wavelength of 0.5 meters has a wave speed of
What is 5 m/s?
The distance from one trough to the next consecutive trough is
What is a wavelength?
LASER is an acronym for
What is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation?
Two octaves higher than 300 Hz
What is 1200 Hz?
An Octave higher than 234 Hz is...
What is 468 Hz?
The period of the hour hand on our classroom clock is
What is 12 hours or 720 minutes or 43,200 seconds?
Half the perpendicular distance from the top of a crest to the bottom of a trough
What is the amplitude of a transverse wave?
LASERS can be used to make 3D images called ...
What is a hologram?
Three of the ways of increasing the frequency of a stringed instrument
What is shorten the length of the string, increase the tension, use a shorter diameter string of the same material, or use a string of less mass density?
A string 24 cm long has a fundamental frequency (1st harmonic) with wavelength
What is 0.48 m (or 48 cm)?
If a waves speed is 10 m/s and its period is 0.1 seconds, its wavelength is ...
What is 1 meter?
Increase this in a sound wave for it to get louder or another way to say it is: the energy of a wave is directly related to the
What is the amplitude of a wave?
In the Doppler Effect, the frequency of the sound of the source is lowest when (it is not moving, it is moving toward you, it is moving away from you)...
What is when the object is moving away from you?
If the fundamental is 110 Hz, the first four harmonic frequencies are ...
What are 110 Hz, 220 Hz, 330 Hz, and 440 Hz?
If you wiggle a slinky back and forth 10 times in 2 seconds, its period is...
What is 1/5 second or 0.2 seconds?
Increasing the tension of a string by a factor of 9 would have this numerical effect on the velocity of the wave energy in the string
What is the speed would increase by the square root of 9 or the speed would triple?
Length of time in seconds for one pulse to pass by any given spot is ....
What is the period of a wave?
A frequency below the range of frequencies a human ear can detect?
What is infrasonic?
The highest frequency a human ear can perceive (above which is ultrasonic)
What is 20,000 Hz?
Number of beats when 260 Hz frequency is played at the same time as a 262 Hz frequency
What is 2 beats?
In a given medium if the frequency of the wave energy triples the wavelength will be this fraction of its original
What is the wavelength is tripled? (because the speed in any given medium is constant)
Another name for the 1st harmonic
What is the fundamental?
The way to slowly remove wave energy (dissipate energy)
What is to add a dampener? (like the piston in water for our wave machine on the teachers desk)