The name for the very top of a transverse wave
The number of waves that pass a point in one second
The name for how high or low a sound is
This is the unit used for frequency
The lowest energy electromagnetic waves
Radio waves
The distance between the same points on two adjacent waves
A wave that requires a medium to travel
Mechanical wave
Increase this wave property to get a louder sound
This is the unit used for loudness
This type of electromagnetic radiation is used in cancer treatment.
Gamma rays
The distance from rest position to the very top or bottom of a wave
This is the relationship between frequency and wavelength
Inversely proportional - as one increases, the other decreases
Do sound waves travel fastest in solids, liquids, or gases?
This is the range of frequencies that humans can hear
20 to 20,000 Hz
The color of visible light that has the most energy
The name for the "spread apart" region of a longitudinal wave
This is the reason a car horn's pitch seems to get lower as it drives away from you
The Doppler Effect
The fluid-filled structure in the inner ear that converts sound waves to impulses that travel to your brain
These are the only wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye
400 to 700 nm
This type of electromagnetic radiation is used in remote controls and no-touch thermometers
The bending of a wave around an obstacle or through a small opening
A wave in which the medium vibrates parallel to the direction of the wave
The names of the three bones in the middle ear
300,000,000 m/s
This color of visible light has the longest wavelength