What can't travel in a vacuum?
What is sound?
Electromegetic waves
What is the vibration of electrons?
Formula for wave speed
What is Wave speed = Frequency x wavelength?
What is the official measuring unit of sound?
Elephants communicate through infrasonic waves, also called?
What is low-frequency sound waves?
The right angled motion of a wave.
What is a Transverse Wave?
True or False: Light waves exhibit depolarization
What is False?
Water waves are limited to
What is the surface of the water?
Distance from midpoint to the crest or trough of a wave
What is Amplitude?
Used to illustrate both transverse and longitudinal waves
What is The Slinky?
True or False: Musical Instruments create transverse waves
What is True?
Accelerated electrons affect plane polarization in _______ way
What is the direction of the accelerated electron emits the same direction as the polarized light.
What is something all waves have including water waves?
What does a relationship between a vibration and a wave look like?
What is a sine curve?
What night animal has sensitive ears?
What is Owls?
The stretched region of successive compressions.
What is rarefaction?
Fluorescent lamp, candle flame, incandescent lamp
What is unpolarized common light sources?
The overlapping of waves that come from an object traveling faster than the wave speed.
What is bow waves?
Noise vs Music
What is quality of tone?
This animal hears with its lungs
What is Frogs?
Definition of Sound
What is the propagation of vibrations through a material medium?
Polarized light
What is represented by a single vector?
Does water conduct sound?
What is Yes?
Standing wave
What is The incident and reflected waves?
Sonic Boom used by this animal
What is Pistol Shrimp?