An Electromagnetic wave travels fastest in a _______.
Gas or a vacuum where there are no atoms to slow it down.
Sound travels fastest in a _______ because of the INCREASED or DECREASED distance between the particles.
When waves bounce off of an object
What is reflection
When heat or energy is transferred by two materials or objects touching it is called __________.
The back of the eye where an image should be focused
What is the retina
How is the energy on the EM spectrum organized? From ______ to ______
longest wavelength to shortest; from slowest to fastest
What unit is the loudness of a sound measured in?
When a wave hits an object and then goes around the object, it is ________________.
What is diffracted
AM is short for __
What is amplitude modulation
The only part of the EM spectrum we see is _______________.
Visible Light
What color of light has the longest wavelength (least amount of energy)?
The type of wave that makes up sound waves
What is longitudinal or compressional
when one object vibrates at the same natural frequency of a second object and forces that second object into vibrational motion
What is resonance
TIC stands for ___ and detects __ on the electromagnetic spectrum
Our _________ vibrates first to allow the energy to pass on for us to hear.
What is the most dangerous part of the EM spectrum that can harm us?
Gamma Rays
Why can't sound travel in space or a vacuum?
Sound must have atoms (especially gas atoms) in order to travel, and there are no atoms in a vacuum or space.
MRI machines will use what element in the body for detection
What is hydrogen
The term for what a bat uses to find its food
What is echolocation
We see different colors because our rods pick up the different wavelengths that are ___ from an object...
What is reflected
All colors of light hit the object and are absorbed except the color we see, which reflects and goes into our eye.
The speed of a wave is measured by how close the crests are or _________ measured in Hz.
The part of the inner ear, containing tiny hairs, that will transmit the sensation of sound to the brain for interpretation
What is the cochlea
What kind of wave has energy that is perpendicular to the motion of the matter.
What is transverse
The range of all electromagnetic frequencies
What is the electromagnetic spectrum
The three bones of the middle ear
What is hammer (malleus), anvil (incus), and stirrup (stapes)