Basic Wave Properties
EM Spectrum
Sound Waves
Light Waves
Analog/Digital Signals

The top or a peak in a wave, labeled as letter A on the board.....

What is the crest? 


Radiowaves, Microwaves, and Infrared waves are located on the left side of the spectrum because they have a long wavelength and a _________ frequency? 

What is a low frequency? 


The material in which a wave travels is defined as a....

What is a medium? 


Black cars __________ more light waves than white cars, which causes them to heat up more than white cars.

What is absorb? 


This type of signal is continuous....

What is an analog signal? 


The lowest point of a wave, labeled as letter B on the board... 

What is the trough? 


This portion of the spectrum makes up a very small percentage, and is the only waves in which we can "see"? 

What is visible light? 


This type of matter allows sound to travel through it the best due to its tightly packed molecules....

What is a solid? 


When light passes through an object it is referred to as...

What is transmission? 


A vinyl record is an example of this type of signal...

What is an analog signal? 


The distance between two corresponding points, labeled as letter C on the board....

What is wavelength? 


These types of waves can be helpful by allowing us to "see inside the body" however too much could damage your cells....

What is an x-ray? 


Music studios attempt to create an acoustic setting by building walls that _______ sound, or not allow it to escape through the walls. 

What is absorb? 


Light of different wavelengths looks like different _______ to humans.

What are colors? 


Cell phones are an example of this type of technology...

What is a digital signal? 


The height form the line of origin to a crest, labeled as letter D on the board...

What is amplitude? 


This type of wave is located furthest to the right, due to its high frequency and short wavelength....

What is a gamma ray? 


An echo in a large empty room explains this vocabulary term, the concept of sound waves "bouncing back".... 

What is a reflection? 


This color has the highest amount of energy associated with it due to the fact it is located the furthest right on the spectrum...

What is violet? 


Fiber optics are a popular source of energy transmission due to their ability to carry more information, making them an example of a _______ signal. 

What is a digital signal? 


There are two ways to know a wave is stronger (has more energy) than another, either a higher amplitude or a higher....

What is frequency? 


The entire spectrum organizes electromagnetic waves based off their amount of....

What is energy? 


Sound waves transmit their energy by creating a _________ within molecules...

What is a disturbance? 


What is refraction? 


This "language" is used by digital signals and features 0s and 1s.

What is binary code?