People use this way of communication 30-40 years ago but they could wait for an answer for month
Post/handwritten letter
When conversation is going to the dead end, people can offer to play this game
They usually phone you posing themselves as bank employees
phone scummers
using this method of communication, people can contact any person in their country and talk to him
In this kind of video games you can contact with people from other countries
Online games
the threat of revealing or publicizing either substantially true or false information about a person
Kings usually send them to deliver information to the lords or villages
this game is usually played in kindergarden to show them what they can eat and what they can't
Eatable Uneatable
attempts to convince the man to make a number of copies and pass them on to a certain number of people
Chain letter
People can get information, listen to music from it only thing they need to do is find the right Frequency Modulation
The place where people can spend their money to play video games
computer club
use of emails that try to trick people into clicking on malicious links or attachments. as common can contain title "Hey—thought you might like this!"
they saved lots of lives during WW2. They had medals.Now most of them are jobless
Kids (but not only them) usually play this game in spring or summer on a field drawn on asphalt
E-letters that contain suspicious links and go one after another