Wild Card

The required accompanying text for all video and audio content.

What are captions?


Anything that can be done with a mouse can be done with a keyboard

What is keyboard accessible?


<html lang="en">

What is the "Language of the Page" Success Criteria?


Using HTML according to spec

What is a sufficient technique for the "Parsing" Success Critieria?


Nested interactive elements

What is a failure of the "Parsing" Success Criteria?

What is a failure of H88 "Using HTML according to spec" (bonus point)


One way to do this is to organize a page using page headings

What is correctly implementing the "Information and Relationships" Success Criteria?


A description of the topic or purpose of the web page that is unique and meaningful for the content on that page

What is a page title?

("Page Titled" Success Criteria)


When an option in a select element is chosen, an additional field appears without any warning to the user.

What is a failure of the "On Focus" Success Criteria?


Using a script to make a div or a span a user interface control in HTML

What is a failure of the "Name, Role, Value" Success Criteria? 


The pattern attribute

What is a way to provide client-side validation of form inputs?

What is a technique to help meet the "Error Suggestion" Success Criteria?


A contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1

What is the minimum color contrast requirement for text according to WCAG 2.1 AA?


- using the CSS property "focus-visible"
- not specifying a focus style (using browser defaults)
- adding a highly-visible focus indicator

What are ways to meet the "Focus Visible" Success Criteria?


- "Go to the homepage"
- "Back"
- "Home"
- "Visit Home"

What is a failure of the "Consistent Identification" Success Criteria?


Missing focus state or not programmatically determinable focus state

What is Failure 79? (Bonus point)

What is a failure of the "Name, Role, Value" Success Criteria?


Providing the ability for the user to review and correct answers before submitting a form

What is a sufficient technique for the "Error Prevention" Success Criteria?

What is G98? (bonus point)


A feedback mechanism that provides a green checkmark when correct and a red "x" when incorrect.

What is the correct implementation of the "Use of Color" Success Criteria?

What is color not used as the only visual means of conveying information?


A mechanism that is available to skip blocks of content that are repeated on multiple pages within an app

What is a bypass block?

What is a skip link?


- label element
- aria-label
- aria-labelledby
- aria-describedby

What are ways to provide a descriptive label for user input?


Using ARIA role=alert or live regions to identify errors

What is a sufficient technique for the "Status Messages" Success Criteria?


designing and implementing with accessibility in mind from the start

What is "Shift Left"?

What is a way to prevent a major re-write later?

What is a way to provide business value?


Content can be presented without loss of information or functionality AND without scrolling in two directions

What is the "Reflow" Success Criteria?


The accessible name contains the visible label text.

What is the "Label in Name" Success Criteria?


- allow users to jump to errors
- provide success feedback when form submits correctly
- provide client-side validation and alerts

What are the advisory techniques for the "Error Suggestion" Success Criteria?


Allowing non-essential alerts to be turned off by the user.

What is an advisory technique for the "Status Messages" Success Criteria?

What is SCR14? (bonus point)


Interactive elements that look interactive

What is a way to improve accessibility for neuro-diverse users?