The number of Treaties signed across Canada.
What is Eleven?
Symbol of friendship being created between the First Nations and the settlers
What is the Handshake?
The process of reviewing the way we look at history in order to understand better the promises we made in Treaties.
What is unlearning and/or relearning?
Large tracts of land to expand Canada were traded in exchange for the promises made to indigenous people.
What is the Treaties?
Symbol of a pledge to a solemn covenant and to speak the truth, between two people.
What is the Pipestem?
Treaty Education is also ______.
What is Settler Education?
Portions of Land that originally belonged to Indigenous groups.
What is Treaty Land?
Symbol of the solidarity of two nations united and the solidarity of the brother-to-brother relationship.
What is the Treaty Suits and Medals?
What is "We are all treaty people"?
Number of calls to action dictated in the Truth and Reconciliation Commision.
What is 94?
Signed on September 15th, 1874.
What is Treaty 4?
Symbol of a what the treaty was signed under.
What is the Union Jack Flags?
How to teach of the promises made to Indigenous people, and how those promises effect all citizens.
What is Treaty Education?
Treaty 4 territory is the traditional land of the....
What is the Cree, Saulteaux, Nakota, Lakota, and Dakota, as well as the Métis peoples of Canada?