
Contract Hours are: 



What is the one reason and one place that students can be unsupervised?

The restroom

While this is the one place, an adult should know where the student is. At most, students should never be unsupervised. An adult should always be present with students at all times, in all places throughout the entire school day.


What are the two locations of printers in the school?

Media Center/Teacher's Lounge


What is the name of the resource we use for social/emotional learning?

Second Steps

The name of the weekly newsletter which comes to your email from Kelly or Keyonia is called?

True or False: This newsletter is optional to read, especially since it's not written on my contract to read every week.

What is.....The Huddle!

False: The Huddle is the way I receive information about everything that is happening in my building each week. Information I need for my classroom, professional development and contracted responsibilities.

True or False: Families can come up and eat lunch with their student as long as they have told their child's teacher they are coming.

False: A sign link is shared with families to sign up to eat lunch with their child throughout the year. 


Where are drill dates, staff roster, school map and CRT manual housed in your classrooms?

Crisis Binder/Drill Folder

Who is responsible for scheduling field trips?

You and then you submit to Kelly in an email for funding and bus scheduling.


Which model to we follow for reading and writing?

What does that model consist of?

Workshop model

Reading: CTAL (connection/teach/active engagement/link) followed by independent practice/conferring and closing with a share.


Only the school should be letting families know about all family engagement events, for example; choir programs, events before/after school and on the weekends or PTA events.

 While there is a school newsletter that goes out with communication about family engagement opportunities, the extra layer of communication you provide increases opportunity for more engagement from our families. This is ultimately our goal, so thank you for taking the time to send communication either via newsletter or Seesaw.


How many choir performances are teachers required to attend throughout the year?

1-Please be in your classroom at least 15mins before your performance start time to greet and supervise students. 


What is an SRO? 

What is an SPS?

A SRO is a a School Resource Officer who works in schools to prevent crime and ensure safety.

A SPS is a School Protection Specialist


How many times should you check your mailbox a day?

What time of day does mail stop coming to your box?

At least 3 for arrival and dismissal changes.

Up until your lunch period has passed.


What are the steps to access curriculum?

  • Open Canvas through Staff Links
  • Sign in using your 9##### and district password
  • Click on “Dashboard” to see all courses
  • To see all district curriculum:
    • “Help” on bottom left hand navigation bar
    • “District Curriculum”

All written communication is a what?

Educational record and can be requested by families.


Professional development days at North Kansas City Schools are different than other districts. They are optional, so most will schedule appointments on those days. True or False.

False, PD days are mandatory for everyone.


What is the difference between a lockdown and lock and teach?

A lockdown a procedure we use to keep all staff and students safe. This procedure consist of us locking the doors, closing them, turning off the lights and moving to a space in our room that is not visible to anyone outside the classroom.

A lock and teach is a hold in which the door is locked and shut for safety, but because of the level of danger, teachers can continue to teach.


What is PTA?

Who can be apart of PTA and when should they sign up?

Parent/Teacher Association: It is an opportunity to partner with families to provide resources and opportunities for our students and families to authentically connect with the school community.

Anyone, the goal is 100% staff participation and sign up is August 19th.


What are the some of the ways teachers get instructional support (professional development) at Chapel Hill and in our district?

(There are at least five we have listed)

Coaching Cycles

PLTs (Team and Vertical Teams)

F & P training

New Bobcat Meetings

Summer Academy


What are two ways to consistently celebrate students with their families?

Positive phone calls home.

Morning Announcements


What percentage is the standard for attendance in the state of Missouri?



Name at least five upgrades that have been made in the district to increase the safety of everyone.

  • Visitor check-in and identification systems
  • Facility key card access
  • Upgraded door locks
  • Playground security updates at elementary sites
  • Additional staff training

True or False: I can request time off from without Kelly's approval?

If false, what is the process (step-by-step) for approval?

Keyonia can approve most request as one of the building administrators, but time-off is NOT one of those she can approve. Your time is valuable, so follow this process and you will be all taken care of.

The process is to:

Email Kelly and Jessica two weeks in advance, after approval from Kelly and leave form from Jessica is given then you prearrange sub in Penmac, turn in form to Jessica and Kelly do a final approval.


True or False: Teachers have the liberty to teach subjects for however long they would like at whatever time is most convenient for their students because they know best what their students need?

False: Everyone in the district adheres to a certain amount of instructional minutes during the day. We also have research-based instructional models that are best practice for engagement and growth. 

While all teachers have the same amount of instructional minutes in a day, they do not follow the same schedule. A district calendar was submitted with CH schedules so that it is clear to all what time those instructional minutes are happening in the classroom. Teachers have to adhere to those minutes for walkthrough and evaluation purposes.


Name 5 of the 8 pieces of information that will be communicated in the Back to School packet:

Answers will vary:

  • Transportation letter with signature (online)
  • MyPayments Plus (emailed)
  • Canvas/Seesaw Parent Login (teacher choice)
  • K-1 Nametags for 1st day
  • District Food Policy 
  • Birthday Book Club
  • Field Trip Volunteer Policy
  • Free/Reduced Lunch Applications