We should always speak in _____ sentences?
Main Idea
the most important idea in a paragraph or passage
What should you do first?
A. Read The Passage
B. Read The Multiple Choice Questions
B. Read The Multiple Choice Questions
A sentence always begins with a ___ letter.
capital letter
The ELPAC is timed? True Or False?
Note Taking Is Allowed During The "Summarize an Academic Presentation" Section of the Test? True or False?
What score do you need on the ELPAC to reclassify?
FOUR (4)
What should you do if you don't know the answer to a question? Use the process of _________.
elimination (cross out the answers you know that it can't be)
What should you use at the end of every sentence?
proper punctuation
The night before the test you should______ and ________.
Get enough sleep and charge your chromebooks.
An opinion answer must always be followed by _______. (After you say "In my opinion blah blah blah.)
A relevant reason or an example.
We don't want you to stress! Have confidence and ____ your best! :)
What should you do if you cannot pronounce a word? (You cannot ask a teacher)
Try your best, sound it out, and look for key words to help you.
what should you look for in the question to help you understand what you are suppose to write?
hint: ______ words
key words in the instructions
The morning of test you should ________.
Eat Breakfast or a snack
You want to join the basketball team. You need to ask the coach when tryouts start. What would you say to the coach?
Hello coach! When are the tryouts for the basketball team?
How much time should you take on any part of the test?
As much time as you need!!!
What should you do before selecting your answer?
Read each answer carefully and reread if you need.
For the writing section, what should you do before you submit your work?
Re-read your response and check for bugs/errors.
Creating Positive Affirmations such as " I'm going to do great." Is A Great Way To Boost Confidence? True or False?
What score will you get if you say, "I don't know"?
to reach a conclusion or make a deduction based on evidence or clues provided
What should you do if you finish early?
Go back and check your answers.
True or False:
When writing my response, I should use RACE?
What are the most important things we can do on the test?
Try our best and take our time!