Under what service would you find "Social Media Professionalism"?
What is Workplace Readiness Training
A two to four-year degree is typically earned at this type of institution.
What is a college or university
Career/Vocational assessments fall under which of the the 3 service sections?
What is section 1: School Based Preparatory Experiences
Words like "team player", "problem-solver", and "motivated" are examples of these.
What are Keywords
True or False: Destination/Transportation Training is an example of a WA1 service.
What is True: under section 3: Youth Development and Leadership
Under what service would you find, "Workplace Tours"?
What is Work-Based Learning
This type of institution offer focused training for specific careers that often include health and technical careers.
What is a vocational training school.
Life Skills/Independent Living falls under which of the 3 service sections?
What is section 3: Youth Development and Leadership
This is the process of practicing potential questions and answers that are specifically related to the job.
What is Mock Interviews
True or False: The AV Mall Community Classroom counts as a service provided under "Work-Based Learning" for both WA1 and DOR
What is True: and a good way to mark the indicator if the student cannot participate in a work experience
Under what service would you find "Learn Career Pathways"?
What is Counseling on Post-Secondary Education
This post-secondary option combines on-the-job training with classroom instruction.
What is apprenticeship
"Involve, train parents/family and supportive adults to support and mentor youth a thy transition. Includes knowledge of disabilities, accommodations, rights and access to programs and services." is an example of what WA1 service?
What is Family Participation and Support of Transition
This type of interview question requires a detailed explanation or story.
What is behavioral interview questions
True or False: You can service a student on a 504 plan through WA1?
What is False: You can service a student on a 504 plan through DOR only.
Under what service would you find "Utilizing Available Resources & Support Systems"?
What is Instruction in Self-Advocacy
This post-secondary option provided hand-on training in a specific trade or skill.
What is a trade school
"Provide training of maintaining, upgrading and leaving employment" is an example of what WA1 service?
What is Job Retention
This is a concise summary of your qualifications at the beginning of this specific document.
What is a resume objective
True or False: In order for a student to be counted as "Placed" under the Workability grant, they must participate in a work experience.
What is False... no student is required to participate in a work experience
Under what service would you find "Identification of Career Pathways of Interest"?
What is Job Exploration Counseling
This term refers to a variety of programs offering certificates or diplomas in specific career pathways.
What is Career Technical Education
Which of the 3 WA1 Service sections has 2 mandatory service indicators to count as "served"?
What is Section 1: School-Based Preparatory Experiences (the services are Career/Vocational Assessments & Employment and Post-Secondary Educations Planning)
A concise and compelling statement about your career goals is known as this.
What is an Elevator Pitch
True or False: WE CARE paid work experience is an example of unsubsidized employment.
What is False: WE CARE paid work experience is an example of SUBSIDIZED employment.