Just Kidding!
Let's Get Physical
Do You Even Lift?
In Every Body
It is widely believed that doing this before working out is best.
What is Stretching?
Per the American Heart Association, the 4 categories of exercise include balance, flexibility, endurance, and this one.
What is Strength?
A group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India.
What is Yoga?
It is widely believed that these type of exercises are the most effective for getting six-pack abs.
What are Sit Ups and Crunches?
On average, we have 206 of these.
What are Bones?
It is thought that people can target specific areas and burn this type of tissue during exercise.
What is Adipose Tissue or Fat?
According to the American Heart Association, this is the suggested amount of time of vigorous exercise per week to improve cardiovascular health.
What is 75 minutes?
In regards to stretching, this type is one of the most commonly thought of. One would maintain a position that passively stretches a muscle and hold that position.
What is Static Stretching?
Sprinting or any exercise that makes you “go hard” require the use of this type of muscle fiber.
What is Fast Twitch muscle?
The anatomical structure that connects bone to bone.
What is a Ligament?
People this this causes the burning sensation during exercise.
What is Lactic Acid?
According to the American Heart Association, this is the suggested amount of time of moderate exercise per week to improve cardiovascular health in adults.
What is 150 minutes?
A type of stretching that prepares the body for physical activity by mimicking movements of that physical activity.
What is Dynamic Stretching?
When a muscle contracts, it is known as this.
What is Agonist?
This anatomical structure is under voluntary control and facilitates movement of the body.
What is Skeletal Muscle?
Many people believe that if women do resistance training, they will become as bulky and muscular as men. This hormone falsifies that statement.
What is Testosterone?
The principle that encourages one to train in ways that are oriented toward one's goal(s).
What is Specificity of Adaptations to Imposed Demands (SAID)?
A form of stretching that involves a bouncing motion.
What is Ballistic Stretching?
This type of training involves muscle contraction without a change in muscle length or joint angle.
What is Static or Isometric training?
At the end of every muscle, this anatomical structure connects its corresponding muscle to a bone.
What is a Tendon?
If you are not feeling this type of sensation during a workout, then you are not working hard enough.
What is Pain?
The formula, 220 - age, approximates maximum heart rate.
What is the Karvonen Formula?
This reflex is initiated to resist stretch of a muscle.
What is the Myotatic or Stretch Reflex?
This type of strength training was developed by a German gymnast and focuses on strengthening and stretching the core muscles in the back, abdomen, and buttocks to create a solid base of support for whole body movement.
What is Pilates?
The two involuntary muscle types.
What are Smooth and Cardiac Muscle?