What is the name of Merricat's pet?
What does Merricat feel coming?
A change
What does Merricat say that her and Constance will eat on the moon?
Rose petals
What does Charles find that Merricat buried?
Silver dollars
What does Constance use to hide her face?
Uncle Julian's shawl
How old is Merricat?
What does Merricat do on Thursdays?
She dresses in her family's clothes in the attic.
Why does Merricat smash the glass?
She believes that it will make Charles go away.
Who comes by to try and talk to Constance and Merricat?
Helen and Jim Clarke
Who was teasing Merricat while she was at Stella's?
Jim Donnel
What does Constance say will happen if they eat the food in the cellar?
It will kill them
How old is Charles?
What does Constance say to try to calm Charles?
She said that she will clean his room
Why does Constance say Helen Clarke will never come for tea again?
They only have two tea cups left
Who comes over for tea?
Helen Clarke
Why does Merricat kill the nest of baby snakes?
Because she did not like them.
What does Merricat want to put in Uncle Julian's place outside?
What does Merricat knock into the trashcan in Charles' room?
Who does Constance blame for the "state of their lives"
Who does Helen Clarke bring with her?
Mrs. Wright
Who is the man that was knocking on the Blackwoods' door?
Their cousin, Charles Blackwood
What does Merricat insist that Charles is?
A ghost
the safe
What are Merricat's new safeguards?