Article Basics
Important Concepts
Findings I
Findings II
The fist author of the article

Who is Alison K. Cohen


CBOs stands for this

What community-based organizations


This is Aim 1 of the study

What is to investigate the evolving roles of CBOs during the COVID-19 pandemic


These are locations of CBOs included in the study

What is Marin County, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, and Richmond


This is what mutual aid networks did as an adaptive strategy

What is mutual aid networks fostered community solidarity, allowing residents to share resources, information, and support to strengthen community resilience


The article was published in this year 

What is 2022


This is what the author mean by "syndemic"

What is existing health crises are worsened as direct result of an emergent crisis


This is Aim 2 of the study

What is to understand how CBOs adapted their services to meet community needs amid health crises


These are 4 problems that CBOs had to confront during the COVID-19 pandemic

What are 1) limited funding sources restricted CBOs' ability to expand services, 2) increased demand for support services, 3) strained existing resources, and 4) staff burnout and turnover due to heightened workload and stress


This is how CBOs changed operational frameworks to be more effective

What is CBOs restructured operational frameworks to an integrated approach, combining direct service provision with advocacy for systemic change


The article was co-authored by this number of individuals

What is four

The authors define "politics of care" in the following manner

What is CBOs health equity efforts through a diverse set of strategies to address not only structural health inequalities but also other social problems


This is Aim 2 of the study

What is to assess the long-term implications of CBO activities on health equity and social justice


Overall, the authors found that these 3 things characterized CBOs response to challenges during the pandemic

What are 1) CBOs adapted quickly by forming partnerships for resource sharing, 2) CBOs developed innovative strategies for service delivery, 3) CBOs fostered stronger community ties


There was increased collaboration among what entities during the pandemic

What is increased collaboration among CBOs and gov entities to address major social problems and health


This the name of the publication

The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of Social Sciences


This is how the authors describe the health equity approach

What is the understanding that health inequities are structurally or systemically rooted so that groups from disadvantaged backgrounds experience disproportionately worse health trajectories


Bonus question: The is the methodology of the study 

What is a qualitative approach utilizing semi-structured interviews with CBO staff members


This is what the resource distribution initiatives involved as an adaptive strategy

What is CBOs implemented food pantries and grocery delivery services to address food insecurity exacerbated by the pandemic, ensuring vulnerable populations had access to essential resources


The authors argue this about health equity as part of CBOs missions

What is health equity must be integral to the missions of all CBOs, not just those traditionally focused on health


This is the total page length of the article

What is 17 pages


Th is the definition of racial capitalism

What is historical injustices in social structures shaping everyday life, so that racialized groups suffer from endemic or chronic deprivations and injustices due to the intersection of race and class under capitalist economies


Bonus question: This is the sampling technique utilized in the study design

What is snowball sampling through previous connections, networks, and cold-calls


The advocacy policy change as an adaptive strategy involved the following...

What is advocating for policies supporting housing stability and healthcare access to address the needs of marginalized communities and pushing for government accountability during the crisis


The authors argue that policymakers must do this for CBOs

What is policymakers must enhance funding and support for CBOs to strengthen their capacity to address ongoing and future health crises