This DBT skill encourages focusing on the present moment without judgment.
What is mindfulness?
This technique involves intense physical exercise, deep breathing, and muscle relaxation to calm overwhelming emotions
I can be invisible yet weigh you down. I cloud your thoughts and make you frown. What am I?
I promise relief but cause you pain. Once I’m inside, I rewire your brain. What am I?
Which animal can hold its breath longer than a dolphin?
A sloth
This state of mind is a balance between rational thinking and emotions.
What is Wise Mind?
This skill involves intentionally shifting your focus to something else to reduce overwhelming emotions.
What is Distraction?
The more you run from me, the bigger I grow. Face me head-on, and I start to slow. What am I?
I whisper, "Just once, it won’t be so bad." Then I return, making you sad. What am I?
What’s the only animal that can’t jump?
This acronym helps people effectively ask for what they need while maintaining relationships.
What is DEERMAN?
Denise's favorite DBT skill
I am not real, but I feel so true. I tell you things that make you blue. What am I?
Intrusive thoughts
This is the most commonly abused legal substance in the U.S.
What is alcohol?
What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
Nacho cheese!
Where is Naomi from?
The "G" in the GIVE skill, which focuses on maintaining relationships.
What is Gentle?
I rise and fall like the tide, bringing highs that feel great and lows you can’t hide. What am I?
Bipolar disorder
This behavioral addiction involves compulsively wagering money despite negative consequences.
What is gambling addiction?
Whats Meta's addy?
55 Concord St
Changing an emotion by engaging in activities that bring about the opposite feeling.
What is Opposite Action?
This interpersonal skill helps individuals balance prioritizing their own needs while considering others' perspectives.
What is Interpersonal Effectiveness?
I whisper lies in your ear, filling you with shame and fear. I make you doubt what’s true and real, twisting the way you think and feel. What am I?
Self-doubt or negative self-talk
Long-term drug use can change the levels of this "feel-good" neurotransmitter.
What is dopamine?
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter "M"!