Will's favorite thing to do after school?
Lifting at the gym
What is something Bridget loves to do after school?
Ballroom dance, sing in choir, act in plays, lifeguard, sew, make new foods, snow ski.
How many kids are in Charlie's family?
How many times did Delaney do the Personal Progress Program?
What's the most Will has ever benched? Over 100, 150, 200, or 300?
Will's favorite church youth activity?
Bridget’s favorite color is?
Light blue/turqouise
What sport does Charlie dominate?
Mountain biking
Delaney's favorite author?
Brandon Sanderson
What is Will's favorite food?
Will's favorite food?
When she was young, what did Bridget want to be when she grew up?
A princess or actress
Where does Charlie work?
Fat tire shop
What track and meet event did Delaney place 1st in?
JV Hurdler
How many times has Will been to Hawaii?
Will's favorite show?
While you were sleeping.
What is Bridget’s favorite season?
What highschool will Charlie graduate from?
Sunset Highschool
Where did Delaney drive the first time she drove?
What is Wil's favorite Disney Princess?
Will's funny story happened to Will at Disneyworld?
While he was a Disneyworld, a hot girl asked for his number for a guy friend who was gay.
Who taught Bridget how to make one of her favorite foods, sushi?
Mari Steck
What did Delaney cut her birthday cake with?
A katana
What was the grossest food Will ate in 2013?