Slavery Again
The Declaration of Independence
Religion Again

From 1777 to 1808, how many of the original 13 states abolished slavery?



In the South, where slavery remained legal, tens of thousands of slaves were freed through individual acts of what?



The Government must protect the citizenry against potential or actual violence from foreign nations. To do this, the Government must do what?

Employ armed forces to secure its borders - and therefore its territorial integrity - against foreign intruders. 


For the Founders, God can be understood from what two perspectives?

Reason and Revalation



Prior to 1776, what funded specific protestant denominations? 

What four New England states continued this practice after the revolution?

Taxpayer Funding

Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts 


By what year did had every state outlawed slave importation?




Congress passed what in 1787 that forbade slavery in these four territories? 

What are the territories?

The Northwest Ordinance 

Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.


The founders argued that - similarly to human beings - every nation possesses the equal right to what? 



By what year were religious tests for federal office outlawed at the state level?



The Founder's conception of the natural right to religious liberty has two main features. What are they? 

1: All persons may worship God in the way they think best

2: All persons may follow what they believe to be God's will in their daily lives


There are two words omitted from the constitution. State what they are, and what James Madison said in relation to why the Framers at the convention omitted them. 

"Slave" and "Slavery"

The framers "thought it was wrong to admit in the Consitution that there could be property in men" 


While the continued existence of slavery was the great original flaw in the American Constitutional Order, the Constitution is not what kind of document, and why? 


The three provisions do not affirm the rightness of slavery, but instead, simply resent concessions that were given to slave-holding states. 


Explain what the Rule of Law requires (as stated by Mr.Goniprow) 

The rule of law requires laws to be equally binding on all persons similarly situated, due process protections for those who are accused of crimes or personal injuries, and the laws themselves must be general, clear, simple, and fixed. 


Patrick Henrys 1784 "Bill for a General Assessment for Religion" required the people of Virginia to do what?

Pay taxes toward the support of a Protestant Denomination of their choosing


Fill in the blank

The founders held religious liberty, or in the words of the First Amendment, "the ____ ________ __ ________" to be a natural right. 
Free Exercise of Religion

Explain Social Concept Theory, and how this relates to the Founder's view of citizenship at the time of slavery.

Under social concept theory, the citizens and their representatives have the liberty to determine through naturalization laws who may and may not become a citizen. 


According to the founders, every person possesses the equal right to what, but not to what?

(hint: this relates to Social Concept Theory!)

Every person possesses the right to liberty but not to citizenship


Finish the Statement: The Declaration of Independence claims that all nations have a right to "the separate and..."

The separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of natures God entitle them."



Almost all of the Founders thought that the government had the duty to what?

What right was this consistent with?

Promote religion

Free exercise


There were 8 distinct means of government support for religion during the Founding. State AT LEAST 4 of them.

*check notes for this answer*

The Constitution includes 3 provisions that protected slavery. What are they, and give a brief description of each. 

1. Article 1, Sec 2: The Three-Fifths clause

2. Article 1, Sec 9: Slave Trade is permitted until at least 1808

3. Article 4, Sec 2: The Fugitive Slave Clause


There are TWO main reasons why Slavery was not abolished during the founding. Name them both (one word each) and give a short description in relation to Slavery.  

Selfishness and Self-Preservation


Explain the Nonintervention Principle

The nonintervention principle requires the government to refrain from attacking or interfering in other nations - even for a noble cause - not only because doing so would violate that nation's right to a "separate and equal station," but because of the nature of the social compact itself, which limits the government's duty to secure the natural rights of its own citizens.


Fill in the blanks

Independently from the Bible, the Founders believed that ______ _______ can make inferences about the creator, or the "___ __ ______" by studying the orderly structure of nature, which includes human nature. 

Human Reason

God of Nature


Jeffersons contention that requiring religious tests for public office was a violation of natural right was mostly rejected during the founding: every state constitution (except Virginia and NY) required religious tests for some kind of public office. From the founder's perspective, why did this qualification NOT violate anyone's natural rights? 

Because no one possesses a natural right to a government job.