The Concept in General
Eugenics in The US
The Longest Hatred
Mixed Mystery
True or False: Race is based on biology.
A generalization about a group of people, based on perceived membership in said group, are all a certain way. Ideas about a group applied to an individual.
What is a stereotype?
Eugenicists believed that all characteristics of a person, including wealth, intelligence and abilities were passed through what?
Blood. Genes. Nature>Nurture
What is Anti-Semitism?
The hatred of Jewish people or the religion.
A person who, at risk of their own well being, acts on behalf of a victim during a time of injustice.
What is an "upstander"?
How many races are there?
Trick question. There are none, and hundreds.
Define marginalization
The exclusion of an individual or group from a dominant group, making them less important.
A legacy of the attempt to measure those deemed intellectually inferior.
What is the IQ Test?
The killing of a god or god like entity.
What is deicide?
The sociological/psychological phenomena that shows people tend not to act on behalf of victims during times of injustice.
What is the "Bystander Effect"?
Are you more likely to be more genetically similar to someone who looks like you, or someone who looks differently than you?
Different. (there is more genetic variability within groups than between them)
The circle of individuals and/or groups "toward whom obligations are owed, to whom rules apply and whose injuries call for amends."
What is the Universe of Obligation?
Laws created to prevent marriage between different "racial" groups?
Anti-Miscegenation Laws.
Explain the "Blood Libel".
The ridiculous belief held in the Middle Ages, that Jews murdered Christian children and used their blood in Matza.
Who was the American eugenics leader that helped Germany develop their eugenic laws.
Harry Laughlin
Explain the "destructive paradox" that emerge in the study of race.
Discussing issues of race gives credence to an inherently false concept. But avoiding it allows the forces of racism to go unchecked.
Negative feelings toward a group of people. Often based on stereotypes.
What is prejudice?
What is the difference between positive and negative Eugenics?
Positive is to increase the reproduction of the superior. Negative is to decrease the reproduction of the inferior.
In 1965, the Catholic Church passed this resolution formally absolving the Jewish people for the death of Jesus of Nazareth.
What is the Nostra Aetate?
A forced migration.
What is a diaspora?
Explain how race and wealth in the United States became to be so intertwined. Why is their such enormous income disparity along racial lines?
FHA. Housing Policies. Redlining. Sub-urbanization. Houses accumulate wealth. Schools funded based on property taxes.
Finish the sentence: "The differences between us did not cause hatred...."
"Hatred caused the differences between us to emerge."
This Supreme Court case determined that forced sterilization was constitutional.
What is Buck vs. Bell?
Explain how the Jewish people became universal outsiders throughout Europe.
Following the Jewish revolt against the Roman Authorities in 70C.E., the Romans kicked the Jews out of their homeland scattering them throughout the empire.
Who said the following quote, and what was it in reference to? "Scientific writers, not less than others, write to please as well as to instruct, and even, unconsciously to themselves, sacrifice what is true to what is popular."
Frederick Douglass. In reference to eugenics or "race science".