You're a Wizard Harry
Does it get any more cozy than Hogsmeade?
It's a Fanon Event
A Bit of Light Reading
Follow The Butterflies

This Hogwarts house founder prized students who showed resourcefulness and ambition.

Who is Salazar Slytherin?


This is the location where students board the Hogwarts Express.

What is Platform 9¾?


This popular, non-canon ship is the main love interest for fan fics like Manacled and DMATMOOBIL

What is Dramione?


Known as one of the Unforgivable Curses, this spell is cited to have caused many witches and wizards to do Voldemort's bidding.

What is the Imperius Curse?


This magical creature can only be seen by those who have witnessed death.

What are Thestrals?


This historical alchemist created the Philosopher’s Stone and celebrated his 665th birthday during Harry’s first year.

Who is Nicolas Flamel?


This sweet shop is a popular location in the quaint little town of Hogsmeade.

What is Honeydukes?


A popular headcanon ships these two marauders together.

Who is Remus and Sirius?


This fiery spell is one of the first spells Sebastian Sallow teaches the Player Character in Hogwarts Legacy.

What is Confringo?


Known for its distinctive cry and fiery red color, this creature's feathers are also used in wand cores.

What is a Phoenix?


This former Auror is Hogwart's Potion's Master in the year 1891

Who is Professor Aesop Sharp


This dark and sinister alley adjacent to Diagon Alley is known for its shops dealing in the dark arts.

What is Knockturn Alley?


This unpopular ship had a moment in the spotlight when J.K. Rowling expressed regret over pairing Hermione Granger with Ron Weasley.

What is Harmony?


One of the Principle Exceptions to Gamp’s Elemental Law of Magic states that this particular item cannot be conjured from nothing.

What is the Principle of Food?


This creature is said to inhabit the Black Lake at Hogwarts.

What is the Giant Squid?


After becoming the professor of Muggle Studies, this character was murdered by Voldemort during the summer holiday.

Who is Charity Burbage?


"If You Have To Ask, You'll Never Know. If You Know, You Need Only Ask." Refers to this particular room in Hogwarts.

What is the Room of Requirement?


This fan-created character is said to be the son of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange

Who is Mattheo Riddle?


This complex spell, which was used in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault in Gringotts, infinitely duplicates the objects of which it is cast on.

What is the Gemino Curse?


This Acromantula speaks in a deep rumbling voice and regards Hagrid as a friend.

Who is Aragog?


This Grecian wizard was the first known creator of a Horcrux.

Who is Herpo the Foul?


In Hogwarts Legacy, the NPC Sebastian Sallow takes the player character to this hidden area in Hogwarts Castle.

What is the Undercroft?


DMATMOOBIL features this Slytherin girl and this Gryffindor boy in a very unlikely match.

Who is Pansy Parkinson and Neville Longbottom?


This particular spell is believed to cause the spell caster to be devoured by maggots if they are not "pure of heart."

What is the Patronus Charm?


This magical beast is created by hatching a chicken egg under a toad.

What is a Basilisk?