What happens when an electrical charge builds up in a cloud?
What conditions lead to snow?
Moisture in the air and air temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
What causes wind?
Wind is caused by varying air pressure and temperatures creating movement in the air as warm and cold air displace each other.
What part of the earth experiences warmer and longer summers on average?
What is considered "freezing"?
32 degrees Fahrenheit
What is the scientific name for cloud that brings lots of lightning and rain?
A cumulonimbus cloud
What sort of precipitation occurs in a solid, stone-like manner?
What speed does wind need to blow in order for it to be considered hurricane force winds?
A minimum of 74 miles per hour
When is winter in Australia?
What makes the temperature feel colder?
What is the name of the cloud type when it is blanket overcast?
Stratus clouds
Rain with an unusually low pH level is called?
Acid raid
A rapidly rotating column of air that does not occur over the ocean is called?
A tornado
Why do different hemispheres have different seasons at the same time of the year?
The tilt of Earth's axis causes different amounts of sunlight to reach different places on earth.
E.g.; If the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, it will have longer days and experience summer.
32 degrees Fahrenheit is how many degrees in celsius?
What conditions cause fog?
Air temperature and dew point temperature are nearly even and there is near 100% humidity
Precipitation is the deposition process of which cycle?
A propeller mounted that is moved by air which powers a generator to create electricity is called a?
Wind turbine
What is the first day of summer in the U.S.?
June 20th, 21st, or 22nd
What is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth?
134.1 degrees
What is the scientific name for "fluffy" clouds?
cumulus clouds
Solid and liquid
What are the four seasons called in Spanish?
What is the average temperature in the south pole during the winter?
-76 degrees farenheit