Precipitation can take three forms. What are they?
Rain: Water Droplets
Snow: Snowflakes
Hail: Balls of Ice
What instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
A barometer
An anemometer measures what?
The wind
Name the four elements of climate
Atmospheric Pressure
What is temperature?
The degree of warmth in the air
Geographers represent precipitations on maps using ___________. (Lines that join points with equal precipitation)
What is atmospheric pressure?
The weight of the air on the earth's surface?
Cold air is heavier and it tends to descend forming a(n) __________.
What is the difference between climate and weather?
Climate: average state of the atmosphere in a region.
Weather: condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place.
Temperature is the amount of heat in the air. What instrument is used to measure the temperature?
What instrument is precipitation measured with and how is it expressed?
Precipitation is measured with a rain gauge.
It is expressed in millimeters or litres per m(squared).
At different latitudes, the Sun's rays hit with a different inclination. We distinguish 3 different climate zones. What are they?
Cold Zone
Temperate Zone
Hot Zone
Warm air is lighter so it tends to rise forming a(n) __________.
A rain gauge is a meteorological instrument to measure the precipitating rain in a given amount of time per unit area.
How is temperature represented on weather maps?
By isotherms which are lines that join points with equal temperature.
True or false: "Precipitation is caused by elevation, cooling and transpiration."
FALSE. "Precipitation is caused by elevation, cooling and condensation."
What happens to temperature with latitude?
Temperatures DECREASE as we move away from the Equator.
What happens to the temperature every 100m increase in height?
It decreases 0.64 degrees Celsius for every 100m increase in height.
What is it called when there are two very different weather conditions on the two slopes of a mountain?
the Foehn effect
Besides latitude and altitude, what is another factor that influences temperature?
Distance to the sea (milder temperatures on the coast, more extremes inland).
There are three main types of precipitation. Name all three and describe how they are caused.
Relief: Elevation caused by the relief.
Convectional: Elevation caused by the heating of the ground.
Frontal: Elevation caused by the collision of two different air masses (cold-warm).
Name the five layers of the atmosphere
Ionosphere or Thermosphere
Draw a diagram on the board demonstration the elevation caused by the relief and the Foehn effect.
The Foehn effect: very different slopes, one wet (windward) and one dry (leeward).
Draw a diagram on the board demonstrating convectional rainfall.
Elevation caused by the heating of the ground.
Draw a diagram on the board demonstrating frontal rainfall.
Elevation caused by the collision of two different air masses (cold-warm).