Weather Forecasting
Weather Patterns
Severe weather

•A person who studies the weather. Meteorologists take measurements of temperature, air pressure, Winds humidity, and precipitation.

Who is a meteorologist?


•Refers to the state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place. It describes the conditions such as air pressure, wind, temperature, and the amount of moisture in the air.

What is weather? 

•Water falling from clouds.

What is precipation? 


•A large body of air that has properties similar to the part of Earth’s surface over which it develops.

What are air masses? 


results from the rapid heating of the air around a bolt of lightning

What is thunder? 


Something that shows the weather conditions at a specific location on the Earth’s surface.

What is a station model? 


•The amount of water vapor present in the air.

What is humidity? 


Warm, moist air rises, forming...

What are clouds? 


•A boundary between two air masses of different density, moisture, or temperature.

What are fronts? 


can reach temperatures of about 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is more than five times the temperature of the sun. Then it cools quickly and contracts. The rapid movement of the molecules forms sound waves heard as thunder

What is lightning?


IN addition to station models, weather maps have lines that connect locations of equal temperature or pressure. A line That connects locations of equal temperature

What is an Isothrem? 


•A measure of the amount of water vapor present in the air compared to the amount needed for saturation at a specific heat.

What is relative humidity? 


The main types of clouds. (there are three) 

What are stratus, cumulus, and cirrus


Some weather conditions, such as those caused by thunderstorms, tornadoes, and blizzards, prevent you from going about your normal routine.

What is severe weather? 


•A violent rotating column of air in contact with the ground. In severe Thunderstorms, wind at different heights blows in different directions and at different speeds.

•In severe thunderstorms, wind blows at different speeds. This difference in wind speed and directions and at different shear, creates a rotating column parallel to the ground.

What is a tornado? 


A line is drawn to connect points of equal atmospheric pressure

What is an Isobar?


•The temperature at which air is saturated and condensation from is the dew point. The dew point changes with the amount of water in the air.

What is Dew point? 


•determines whether water forms rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

What is Air temperature?


storms occur in warm, moist air masses along fronts. Warm, moist air can be forced upward where it cools and condensation occurs, forming cumulonimbus clouds  that can reach heights of 18km. When rising air cools, water vapor condenses into water droplets or ice crystals. Smaller droplets collide with larger ones and fall through the clouds to the Earth’s surface.

What are thunderstroms?


A large, swirling, low-pressure system forms over the warm Atlantic ocean. It is like a machine that turns heat energy from the ocean into the wind. A storm must have winds of at least 119 km/h

What is a hurricane? 


A map that connects points of data collected from isotherm and isobar.

What is a weather map? 


•When air is cooled to its dew point near the ground, it forms a stratus cloud.

What is fog? 


a cloud or a class of clouds that produces precipitation like rain, snow, hail or sleet

What are nimbus clouds? 


•Flash floods can be dangerous because they occur with little warning.

•Strong winds generated by thunderstorms also can cause damage.

Hail from thunderstorms can dent cars and aluminum siding on houses

What is thunderstorm damage? 


•the winds are 56 km/h, the temperature is low, the visibility is less than 400 m in falling or blowing snow, and if these conditions persist for three hours or more.

What are blizzards?