Levels of Atmosphere
Water Cycle
Wind & Air
Ocean Currents

tool used to measure temperature

What is a thermometer?


The layer of atmosphere closest to the Earth, in which air moves in all directions.  It is where most of the Earth's weather takes place.

What is the troposphere?


The movement and exchange of water between Earth's land, atmosphere, and oceans.

What is the water cycle?


The leading edge of a cold air mass; it occurs when a cold air mass pushes a warm air mass ahead of it.

What is a cold front?


An older name for marine scientists, as they were primarily concerned with mapping the oceans.

What is an oceanographer?


a storm producing lightning and thunder.  It typically also has a large amount of precipitation.

What is a thunderstorm?


The study of climate.

What is climatology?

a balloon equipped with meteorological apparatus which is sent into the atmosphere to provide information about the weather.

What is a weather balloon?


The layer of the Earth's atmosphere above the troposphere.  It has very little water vapor or other gases and the protective ozone layer is located there.

What is the stratosphere?


The process by which water changes from a liquid to an invisible gas called water vapor.

What is evaporation?


Winds that form between the poles and the equator.

What are global winds?


A current that is found on the surface of the ocean and is driven by wind.

What is a surface current?


A massive rotating storm with wind speeds of 119 km per hour or more that forms north of the equator in the Atlantic Ocean, easter Pacific Ocean Caribbean Sea when warm air. rises over tropical waters.

What is a hurricane?


Weather conditions that are characteristic of a region or of a particular place over a long period of time.

What is climate?


an instrument used to measure the speed of the wind

What is a anemometer?


The part of the atmosphere that is between the troposphere and the thermosphere in which the temperature decreases with altitude.

What is the mesosphere?


The process by which water vapor changes from a gas to a liquid.

What is condensation?


The flow of air from land to water caused by differential heating of sea and land and the different rates at which they release heat to the atmosphere.

What is a land breeze?


A warm-water ocean current that flows north along the east coast of the United States.

What is the Gulf Stream?


A mobile, destructive funnel-shaped vortex that is associated with large storm systems.

What is a tornado?


An area that contains specific plants and animals based on its climate.

What is a biome?


an instrument used to detect and measure changes in air pressure.

What is a barometer?


The highest level of atmosphere.

What is the thermosphere?


Water that falls to the ground from the atmosphere.  This includes rain, hail, sleet and snow.

What is precipitation?


Global winds that flow from east to west?

What are easterlies?


The ring of a cold, deep water from an ocean bottom.

What is upwelling?


a massive, rotating storm that forms in the Indian Ocean and off the coast of Australia.  It is equivalent to a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean, Eastern Pacific Ocean, or Caribbean Sea.

What is a cyclone?


An effect in which the leeward side of the mountain (the side away from the wind) is dry, while the windward side is often very wet.

What is the rain-shadow effect?


A small group of instruments that is transported into the atmosphere, typically by a weather balloon, that collects data.

What is radiosondes?


The outer region of the atmosphere.

What is the exosphere?


The process by which water vapor changes from a. gas to a solid.

What is deposition?


A circulating flow of air or water resulting from temperature differences.

What is a convection current?

(also called a convection cell...)


A cold and extremely. saline deep water current in the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW)?


A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia.

What is a monsoon?


The original and still one of the most widely used climate classification systems.

What is the Köppen climate classification system?


A tool that uses a dry bulb and a wet bulb to measure air humidity.

What is a sling psychometer?


Part of the thermosphere that exists in the lower thermosphere between 80 and 280 km (50-174 mi)

What is the ionosphere?


The release of water from plant leaves into the atmosphere.

What is transpiration?


A forces that comes from the rotation of Earth and affects the path of objects in motion.

What is the Coriolis Effect?


An unusually warm flow of surface water that occurs in the equatorial Pacific Ocean about every two to seven years?

What is El Niño?


The movement of liquids or gases in a spiral around a central axis.  In a storm, it is the calm center area around which clouds spiral.

What is a vortex?


Using a tree borer will allow a scientist to see periods of rapid growth and slow growth depending on environmental conditions.  List 2 of the three environmental conditions that can impact the tree.

What are fire damage, insect attacks, and drought?

(need two)