What is Precipitation?
Precipitation is any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and falls back to the Earth
What is Relative Humidity
The amount of moisture in a parcel of air at a given temperature
What kind of current is responsible for the Global Conveyor Belt.
Thermohaline currents
Why do we have wind?
Shifting air pressures- high to low
How long does it take for the Global Conveyor belt to complete a full loop?
1000 years
What are 4 elements of weather?
Wind, sunlight, cloud cover, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, precipitation
Where does the Global Conveyor Belt start? Which direction does it travel?
What is the symbol for a warm front?
Red half circles
What is latitude?
Imaginary parallel lines in distance from the equator
What kind of front has blue triangles as the symbol on a weather map?
Cold front
_____________ is the temporary state of the atmosphere over a short period of time.
_________ is the general state of the atmosphere in a place over a long period of time.
How does the ocean affect our climate?
carries warm and cool waters to help distribute heat around the globe.
What is altitude?
The height of an object above sea level.
Explain the difference between weather caused by high pressure compared to weather caused by low pressure.
What kind of clouds are formed during cold fronts and warm fronts?
Cumulonimbus and Stratus clouds
Why is the global conveyor belt so important?
What important Maine industry does the Global Conveyor Belt help support.
The Lobster Industry
Which direction do cold air masses travel? What about warm air masses?
Explain how altitude affect temperature and in turn affect weather conditions
Explain the main difference between weather and climate
What are two factors affecting climate?
Latitude, altitude and distance from the sea.
What does thermo and haline mean?
temperature and salt
What are the three climate zones?
Tropical, temperate, and polar
Explain how latitude affects temperature and in turn affects weather and climate