Warm air moves in towards cold air and moves upward
What is Warm Front
Instrument that measures wind speed
What is anemometer
liquid water falling from the sky
what is rain
warm and dry air
amount of matter in an object given a certain space
what is density
Cold air moves in towards warm air and moves it upwards
What is cold front
Instrument that measures air pressure
what is barometer
anything that falls from the sky that comes from clouds
dry and cold air
what is continental tropical
moving air caused by differences in pressure
what is wind
two air masses with similar characteristics not moving
What is stationary front
Instrument that measures the movement of molecules
what is thermometer
frozen water that falls in solid balls from the sky
what is hail
dry and cool air
what is continental polar
high pressure wind belts high in the troposphere
what is jet stream
air mass trapped between two similar air masses.
What is occluded front.
Instrument that measures wind direction
what is wind vane
rain or snow mix
what is sleet
warm and wet air
what is maritime tropical
objects deflecting due to earth rotation
what is coriolis effect
where two air masses meet.
What is front
what is the overall conditions such as temperature, humidity, cloud cover, air pressure, etc given a certain time.
what is weather
clouds at ground level
what is fog
wet and cool air
what is maritime polar
large amounts of air with similar temperature and moisture characteristics.
what is air mass