Whats the weather of Low pressure?
Clouds and precipitation
What is the weather of a warm front
stormy weather
Formula for density?
What are the rules with 0s to identify their significance?
2 significant figures
Whats the weather of High pressure?
whats the weather of a cold front
winds become gusty. Sudden drop in temperature, and heavy rain.
Formula for volume?
length x width x height
What are the rules of significant figures with zeros in between numbers?
2. Zeros between nonzero digits are significant.
4 sig figures
Temperature of a high pressure area?
Really warm weather during spring and summer
weather of occluded front
temperature drops, thunderstorms, rain
Formula for mass?
M = D x V
What are the rules for zeros all the way to the right of the equation, at the end of it?
3. The final zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant.
3 significant figures
What's the temperature in a low pressure area?
Temperature decreases causing colder temperatures and wet.
weather of stationary front
often cloudy, rain or snow fall
How many significant figures in 0.00208
What about zeros that come before a whole number or decimal?
4. Zeros before the first nonzero digit are not significant.
3 significant figures
4 significant figures