Convection and Wind/Jetstreams
Hurricanes,Typhoons and Cyclones
World-Wide Weather

What is Convection?

Convection is a way heat travels. It happens when heat is transferred by the movement of liquids or gases, and in this case, Air.


What is the name of the boundary between two different air masses?

A Front


Where do Hurricanes, Cyclones, and Typhoons form?

Hurricanes: Around the Americas, the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Ocean

Cyclones: Around the Indian Ocean

Typhoons: Around Japan and the islands, the Western and Northern Pacific


What is the name of the effect in which the atmosphere winds curve inward to the equator?

The Corolis Effect


What sinks, cold or warm air?

Cold air sinks, since it is less dense. Warm air rises, since it is more dense, because it expands when a liquid or gas heats.


What are cold and warm fronts?

A cold front occurs when a cold air mass takes over a warm air mass, causing it to rise into the atmosphere. A warm front occurs when a warm air mass takes over a cold air mass, leaving warm air. A cold front has thunderstorms and rain with cold temperatures, while a warm front has humid and warm temperatures and light rain.


What is the minimum temperature the Ocean has to be to form these types of tropical storms?

80 Degrees Fahrenheit


What causes this effect mentioned above to happen?

The Earth rotating on its axis causes the Corolis effect to happen.


How does convection cause Wind and Jetstreams?

Warm air rises, while cooler air flows down underneath. The movement of air creates winds and jetstreams. Winds are down near the surface while jetstreams are up in the atmosphere.


What are the signs of Warm and Cold Fronts on a weather map?

A cold front's sign is a blue-colored line with spikes on it pointing the way it is headed, and a warm front's sign is a red line with semicircles pointing in the direction the front is going.


What winds are needed to make the warm humid air from the ocean start rotating?

Cool Global wind


What is the difference between climate and weather?

The climate is something that spans thousands or millions of years, while the weather is day-to-day, mainly local.


Which changes temperature faster?..Land or water?

Land heats and cools faster than water.


What is an Occluded Front and what is its sign?

An occluded front is when a warm air mass gets caught between two cold air masses, and its sign is a purple line with alternating triangles and semicircles pointing the direction that the front is moving. Occluded fronts are dangerous and sudden, also very fast, bringing somewhat harmful weather.


What determines the direction the Hurricane, Typhoon, or cyclone moves?

Global cool winds carry the now-forming tropical storm to land.


What is the definition of weather and climate?

Weather is a specific, local like a rainstorm or hot day that happens over a few hours, days, or weeks. Climate is the weather gradually changing over a long time.


How are ocean breezes cooler than land breezes?

Temperature differences between land and sea cause land and sea breezes. So, when the Land cools down, and the water is still warm, the wind from the water still feels warm. It is like that with land breezes too, when the ocean is still cool and the land is all warmed up, the wind from the ocean is cool.

(Answers will vary)


What is a Stationary Front and what is its sign?

A stationary front is when a cold and warm front collides and neither one moves, staying in place, probably bringing many days of overcast and rain. Its sign is spikes pointing in one direction and semicircles pointing in the other direction.


How does a Hurricane, Cyclone, or typhoon lose its power gradually?

The force of a tropical storm does mass destruction, but as there is no more water to power them up, they lose power gradually and die off.


Which is a longer term, Climate or weather?

Climate is long-term,weather is short-term.