when something stays mostly the same over time.
what is stability?
water that falls from the sky.
what is rain?
the process by which a liquid changes into a gas.
what is evaporation?
a body of water that is not an ocean.
What is a lake?
the layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth where weather happens.
What is the troposhere?
something we observe to be familiar over and over again.
what is a pattern?
stuff that you can ski or snowboard in.
what is snow?
liquid water droplets suspended in the air.
what are clouds?
102 degrees Celsius is ______ temperature.
What is hotter?
blocks deadly ultraviolet light.
What is Thermosphere?
water as gas
what is water vapor?
Small little ice rocks from the sky.
what is hail?
the process by which a gas changes into a liquid.
the movement of air in a particular direction.
what is wind?
This layer is 10 kilometers thick.
What is the Stratosphere?
an amount of air that moves as a unit.
what is an air parcel?
freezing rain
what is sleet?
to decrease in energy on the way to the troposphere.
What is transfer?
the process in which a liquid turns into a gas.
what is evaporation?
protects the earth from huge meteoroids.
What is Mesoshphere
the mixture of gases surrounding a planet.
what is the atmosphere?
conditions such as rain, clouds, and wind at a particular time and place
what is the weather?
rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from the clouds onto the ground.
What is precipitation?
one thing that contributes to causing an event.
What is factor?
separates the rest of the atmosphere from outer space.
What is the Exosphere?