Head in the Clouds
Get out the Map
Feeling Breezy
Water Water Everywhere
What is Cumulous?
During the sunny afternoon hours at the beach- while facing the ocean- this is the direction of the wind on your body
What is in your face!
the movement of moisture off of and out of leaves in the dry summer day.
What is Transpiration
I measure precipitation fall amount
What is a rain gauge
This is the place on a weather map where air is generally moving up from the ground into the atmosphere above us.
What is a High Pressure System
while standing on top of a mountain in the afternoon- you feel a warm rush of air come up from below as your campsite warms.
What is a Valley Breeze
Extra water escaping a countryside unable to sink into the ground is called
What is Runoff
while camping out at the bottom of Denali Mountain in Alaska at night you feel a cold breeze rush toward you.
What is a Mountain Breeze
the clearing away of dirt and debris due to running water causes what process- leaving rocks exposed, and sometime trails strewn with deep pits.
What is Erosion
This one feels the pressure
What is a barometer
A place on a weather map where a cold front and a warm front alternate back and forth- going seemingly nowhere.
What is a stationary front
this is a process of hot air and cold air movement - such as hot air rising, and cold air sinking. Hint- It isn't radiation-
What is convection
liquid moisture forming into mist from a body of water directly into the air
What is evaporation
A Pyrometer measures this
What is Soalr radiation
the place where a cold front has taken ove a warm front on a map - whre we find heavy storms- and on a map appears with purple demarcations?
What is an Occluded Front
water vapor does this before it rains from a cumulonimbus cloud
What is Condenses