sand storms

What is a tornado

A tornado is a swirling column of air that touches the Earth and a cumulonimbus cloud


What is a hurricane?

A hurricane is a large rotating storm with high-speed winds that forms over warm waters in tropical areas


What type of weather does pressure use

When a front passes over an area, it means a change in the weather. Many fronts cause weather events such as rain, thunderstorms, gusty winds, and tornadoes. On a cold front, there may be dramatic thunderstorms. At a warm front, there may be low stratus clouds.


Name all the types of precipitation

Snow rain sleet and hail


What causes a sand storm

Dust storms are caused by very strong winds — often produced by thunderstorms. In dry regions, the winds can pull dust from the ground up into the air, creating a dust storm.


how is a tornado formed?

Tornadoes form when warm, humid air collides with cold, dry air.


How is a hurricane formed?

Hurricanes form when warm moist air over water begins to rise. The rising air is replaced by cooler air. This process continues to grow with large clouds and thunderstorms.


What kind of fronts create storms

a warm front


True or false precipitation reactions are not temperature-dependent



What is the difference between a sandstorm and a dust storm

The difference between sandstorms and dust storms is down to the size of the particles carried and the distance the storms travel. ... In contrast, dust storms carry much smaller particles, which can be carried higher and further than sandstorms.


What states are in tornado alley? name 4

Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska


What is the most dangerous part of the hurricane

The eyewall is the strongest part because it pulls the warm water and makes the storm stronger


what kind of fronts create fair weather

Cold fronts


Why does precipitation occur

Precipitation forms in the clouds when water vapor condenses into bigger and bigger droplets of water. When the drops are heavy enough, they fall to the Earth. If a cloud is colder, like it would be at higher altitudes, the water droplets may freeze to form ice


How big are the particles in sand storms

between 0.08mm and 1mm which also means 0.0032 and 0.04 inches in size.


What scale does a tornado use

Fujita scale


What is the safest part of the hurricane

The middle of the hurricane is because there is no wind included. (the eye)


What is a front

A weather front is a boundary separating air masses of several characteristics such as air density, wind, and humidity.


How many types of precipitation have ice

snow is ice! However, snow is different from other forms of frozen precipitation, such as hail, freezing rain, sleet


How do you navigate (safe spots) during a sandstorm

Look for a safe place to pull off the roadway. Never stop on the traveled portion of the roadway.


What kind of pressure do tornadoes use?

Low pressure


What scale does a hurricane use

The Saffir–Simpson scale


Name all types of fronts

Stationary, cold, warm, occluded


True or false the sun has something to do with precipitation

The heat that the sun gives us heat the water turning making it evaporate, then it condenses into a cloud. Then the clouds get more vapor to create water droplets, that will fall to the earth


What is a sand storm

a strong wind carrying clouds of sand with it, especially in a desert.