Giant tropical storms that form over warm ocean waters that produce heavy rainfall and super strong wings.
What are hurricanes?
Flat clouds that look like a blanket and often cause cloudy weather.
I measure the direction of wind.
What is a weather vane?
Water vapor changes into droplets to form clouds.
What is Condensation?
The most common for of precipitation that happens in the spring season.
A violent rotating column of air that can destroy buildings.
What is a tornado?
Thin wispy clouds that often bring sunny weather.
What are cirrus clouds?
Used to measure the air pressure around us.
What is a barometer?
Droplets fall down to earth in the form of snow, sleet, hail and rain, and then the process repeats.
What is Precipitation?
Ice crystals that fall in light white flakes to the ground when the outdoor temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is snow?
A shaking of the earth's plates that happens near cracks in the earth's crust.
What are earthquakes?
Large dark clouds that often bring stormy weather.
What are cumulonimbus clouds?
If you have a fever or to measure the temperature of the air or water, use me.
What is a thermometer?
Water is stored to drive the water cycle in puddles, lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans.
What is water storage or collection?
Name 4 types of precipitation
What are rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
A storm with thunder and lightning that usually produces gusty winds and are produced by cumulonimbus clouds.
What are thunderstorms?
Fluffy white clouds that look like pillows and bring sunny weather.
What are cumulus clouds?
Used to measure the speed of wind.
What is an anemometer?
When the sun causes liquid to turn into the gas phase.
What is Evaportation?
Another word for freezing rain.
What is sleet?
Lots of heavy rain or an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry.
What are floods?
Can be considered a type of low-lying cloud (that you can touch and walk through) making it difficult to see.
What is fog?
Curious about how much rain fell in a certain period of time? Use me to measure it.
What is a rain gauge?
The process by which plants perspire and release moisture into the atmosphere from their leaves in the form of water vapor.
What is Transpiration?
Pellets of frozen rain (ice balls) that precipitate from cumulonimbus clouds.
What is hail?