W, E, D

The breaking down of rock on Earth's surface into smaller pieces.

What is weathering?


These large, flat areas of land are formed by deposition of sediment, often found near rivers or lakes.

What is Floodplains?


Water getting into cracks, freezing and breaking apart.

What is Weathering?


Explain how a sand dune is formed and which two process are involved. 

What is ... 

1. Wind blows the sediment and carries it across the desert, this process is called erosion

2. The wind will stop and the sand will fall as the formation of a sand dune, this process is called deposition


Explain how weathering, erosion and deposition all similar?

What is because they all change Earth's surface?


The process of moving weathered rock and sediment from one place to another 

What is erosion?


These hills or mountains are formed from the deposition of sand by wind and are common in deserts.

What is sand dunes?


Strong winds blowing sand from one location to another

What is erosion?


The definition of erosion is to move rock. Give me 3 synonyms that also mean to move. 

What is.. 







Gigantic formations of ice that do not completely melt over the course of a year.
What is a glacier?

The dropping or settling of eroded material

What is deposition ?


List 3 "agents" that can cause slow change to rock by weathering. 


What is wind, water, ice, chemicals, plant and animals?


Layers of sediment settling at the bottom of the river

What is Deposition?


Give an example of weathering

What is .. Answers will vary 


How is a delta formed, and what role does water play in its creation? Describe what you might see at the mouth of a river where a delta forms.

A delta forms when a river slows down and drops off dirt and sand where it meets a lake or ocean. The water carries these materials, and they pile up, creating new pathways of the river. 

Sand, bits of rocks, fossils, and other matter carried and deposited by water, wind, or ice

What are sediment?


Name the landform of a piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides and give an example. 

What is a peninsula. 


Imagine a large glacier moving over a mountain range. How do weathering, erosion, and deposition occur as the glacier moves? What kind of landforms might you see as a result? 

As a glacier moves over a mountain range, weathering occurs as the ice and rocks grind against the surface, breaking down the rock. Erosion happens as the glacier picks up and moves rocks and debris. Deposition occurs when the glacier melts, leaving behind rocks and sediment.

Landforms created include U-shaped valleys, moraines, glacial grooves, and The Great Lakes 


This type of weathering happens when rocks are broken into smaller pieces due to freezing water expanding in cracks. 

What is it will the crack will expand or get bigger. The rock will eventually break in half. This is called frost wedging.  


Sing the weathering, erosion and deposition chant

What is 

Break, move, drop. 

Weathering breaks it 

Erosion takes it 

When the motion stops, deposition drops

A natural land shape of feature of Earth's surface. 

What is a landform?


List the three landforms with flat tops in order from largest to smallest.

What is plateau, mesa, butte?


Explain the difference between physical, chemical, and biological weathering. Give examples of each type.

Physical Weathering: Rocks break into smaller pieces without changing. Example: frost wedging, where water freezes and cracks rocks.

Biological Weathering: Living things cause rocks to break down. Example: plant roots growing into rocks.

Chemical Weathering: Chemicals change the minerals in rocks. Example: oxidation, where iron in rocks rusts and weakens.


Explain how a canyon is formed and what two processes form a canyon. 

What is 

The movement of the river carries sediment through the canyon, this process is erosion. 

The sediment will break through the canyon, this process is weathering. 


What are the three landforms created by plate tectonics AND how do they form? 

Rift: plates pulling apart 

Fault: Plates sliding past each other 

Mountain range/volcano: colliding together