What's It Mean?
Did You Know?
Slow or Quick Changes
The breaking down of rock on Earth's surface into smaller pieces.
What is weathering?
Wind and water can carry sand and small pieces of rock to new locations. True or False
What is True?
Volcanoes change Earth's surface...(slowly/quickly)
What is quickly?
The difference between weathering and erosion is: a. weathering causes a quick change in landforms and erosion causes a slow change in landforms. b. weathering breaks rocks into sediments and erosion moves sediment from one place to another.
What is B?
Small pieces that break off of rocks.
What is sediments?
Mountains and other surface features of the land.
What are landforms?
When rainwater seeps into cracks in rocks and __________, it expands and causes the rock to split apart.
What is freezes?
Weathering changes Earth's surface...(slowly/quickly)
What is slowly?
The difference between erosion and deposition is: a. erosion moves sediment from one place to another and deposition is a physical feature on the Earth. b. deposition is the process of dropping , or depositing , sediment in a new location and erosion is the process of moving sediment from one place to another.
What is B?
Gigantic formations of ice that do not completely melt over the course of a year.
What is a glacier?
The process by which weathered rock is picked up and moved to a new place.
What is erosion?
Weathering over long periods of time breaks rock into ____________ pieces. (larger or smaller)
What is smaller?
Erosion can change the shape of the land faster than a volcano can. True or False.
What is False?
Name a difference between weathering and erosion.
What is weathering makes things smaller, and erosion moves it?
A growing pile of deposited sediment at the mouth of a river.
What is a delta?
Huge sheets of ice that move slowly over land.
What are glaciers?
Fast flowing rivers can pick up and carry rocks (far/short) distances.
What is far?
Water can weather rock by: A. eroding soil B. by freezing and melting
What is freezing and melting?
The difference between a moraine and a dune is: A. Estuaries are where fresh water meets salt water and a delta is where sediment is deposited. B. Deltas are where fresh water meets salt water and a estuary is where sediment is deposited.
What is A?
When fresh water from a river mouth meets the salt water of the ocean.
What are estuaries?
The sudden movement of rocks and soil down the side of a hill because of gravity and rain.
What is a landslide?
All of the following are forces that change landforms EXCEPT: a. wind b. moving water c. glaciers c. physical features
What is physical features?
Landslides are quick changes to the land. They can be caused by: A. magma and rain B. gravity and rain
What is gravity and rain?
The difference between physical and chemical weathering is: A. Physical weathering just breaks things apart and chemical weathering changes the rocks forever. B. Physical weathering breaks things apart and chemical weathering burns rocks with chemicals.
What is A?
Nonliving, solid material that are formed in nature and made of crystals.
What are minerals?