Occurs when physical forces break rock into smaller pieces without changing its composition.
mechanical weathering
The transformation of rock into one or more new compounds
chemical weathering
A layer of rock and mineral fragments produced by weathering.
The source of the mineral matter in soil is known as this, think of mom and dad.
parent material
The transfer of rock and soil downslope due to gravity.
mass movement
The 2 types of weathering.
mechanical and chemical weathering
The most important agent/compounds of chemical weathering
The part of the regolith that supports plant growth
A vertical section through all the soil horizons
soil profile
Geologist classify mass movements based on the kind of material that moves, how it moves and this.
speed of the movement
In nature the 3 physical processes that cause mechanical weathering.
frost wedging, unloading, and biological activity
2 other factors that affect the rate of weathering
rock characteristics and climate
This characteristic of soil is based on percentages of clay, slit, and sand in the soil.
soil texture
The A horizon is commonly known as this.
Occurs when rocks or rock fragments fall freely through the air.
When water freezes and expands and enlargens the cracks in rocks.
frost wedging
The chemical weathering that change the physical shape of rocks into spheres.
spheroidal weathering
The four major components of soil.
mineral matter, organic matter, water and air
The 3 types of soil.
pedalfer, pedocal, and laterite
The factors that trigger mass movements (list 3)
saturation of surface materials, oversteepening of slopes, removal of vegetation, and earthquakes
Slabs of outer rocks separate like layers of an onion and break loose
When different parts of a rock weather at different rates.
differential weathering
Ways to help slow the process of soil erosion (list 3)
planting windbreaks, terracing hillsides, contour plowing, crop rotating, and cover crops
The most important factors on soil formation (need 3)
parent material, time, climate, organisms, and slope
This type of mass movement can reach speeds of up to 200 kmh (125mph).