This type of well reaches an unconfined aquifer and the water pumped is used for agricultural purposes.
What is a water table well
Which river system has the greatest rate of erosion
young river
When the water table line intersects with the surface it creates?
surface water, river, lake, stream ,spring
A type of erosion that occurs when windblown sediments strike rocks and sediments, polishing and pitting their surfaces; often compared to sandblasting.
What is abrasion?
explain how an oxbow lake may form
The curves or meanders in a river or stream can help a scientist determine what?
age of the river
Where do we get the cleanest supply of fresh water?
a confined aquifer via artesian well.
vegetation in an area would Increase/Decrease the rate of erosion/chances of flooding in an area?
3 factors that affect the erosion rate of a river or stream?
Velocity, Gradient, Discharge
Which rock type would be weathered away at a faster rate, metamorphic or extrusive igneous? explain why
extrusive igneous the rock has a lower density and softer minerals.
explain the concepts of porosity and permeability and how they are related
porosity-amount of space between sediments
permeability- rate water travels through sediments
Karst Topography can be described as?
land with rocks containing calcite where hydrolysis takes place creating caves and sinkholes
3 factors affect the rate of weathering
surface area, composition, climate