How tall was Goliath?
What is over 9 feet tall
After Mark before Acts?
What is Luke
Pilate set him free in place of Jesus?
Who was Barabbas
His wife looked back and turned to salt
who is Lot
How much was a Denarius worth?
What is a full day's wage
What city did Jonah deliver Jehovah's message to?
What is Nineveh
The four Gospels?
Who is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
I said "Here I am send me"?
Who was/is Isaiah
Jehovah told him to listen to his wife
who is Abraham
Where did Ruth Accompanied Naomi Back to?
What is Bethlehem
Who was the King of Babylon that saw the handwriting on the wall?
Who is Bel-Shaz'-zar
Known for Saying "order in the court"?
What are Judges
I introduced the "Word" who "In the beginning was with God", and I am called the beloved?
Who is/was John
He said: There are more with us than against us
Who is Elisha
Jesus used these to feed thousands
What is 5 Barley loaves and 2 small fish
Name 6 of the Apostles?
Who is Peter, Andrew, James #1, James #2, John, Simon(not peter), Nathaniel(Bartholomew) Matthew, Judas Iscariot, Judas Thaddaeus, Phillip, and Thomas
Book of the Law?
Leviticus or Deuteronomy
I asked Jesus how many times are we to forgive our brothers?
Who was/is Peter
Fought the battle of Jericho
who is Joshua
Who became King after David?
Name 8 Plagues?
What is 1. water to blood, 2. Frogs, 3. Gnats, 4. Gad Flies, 5. Animals died, 6. Skin soars or boils, 7. Thunder & Hail, 8. Locusts, 9 Darkness, 10. Death of first born
Bible Books that start with the letter Z
Zephaniah & Zechariah
I was not deceived?
Who was/is Adam
He was a Nipper of Figs
Who is Amos
What is Ararat