When was he born?
When is February 23, 1868?
What was the name of the magazine that he launched?
What is Phylon?
He was the first African-American to do what?
What is to recieve a PhD from Harvard?
When did he die?
When is August 27, 1963?
Where did he receive his PhD from?
What is Harvard?
What is the name of the NAACP's journal?
What is The Crisis?
Where is Great Barrington, Massachusetts?
What school published his dissertation?
What is Harvard?
What organization did he co-found?
What is NAACP?
What country did he immigrate to?
What is Ghana?
What college in Georgia did he teach at?
What is Atlanta University?
What two famous books did he write?
What are The Souls of Black Folk and The Philadelphia Negro?
What activist did he criticize about their views on racial inequality?
Who is Booker T. Washington?
What two colleges did W.E.B Du Bois graduate from?
What is Harvard and Fisk University?
What does the NAACP stand for?
What is the National Association of Advancement for Colored People?