True or False? You should use one password for all of your accounts. It will make it easier to remember.
False---You should use different passwords for your accounts.
You're online and you get a message from your internet service provider asking for your password. They say they need to fix your account. Should you give it to them?
NO! Ask a trusted adult.
What does the word "Netiquette" mean?
Being nice on the internet.
True or False? Our Cub Scout Pack has rules about Scouts using electronic devices.
True---Our Pack guidelines state that Scouts should not use electronic devices during Scouting events/den meetings/camping.
True or False? It is fine to share your password with friends, especially your best friend.
You get an instant message from someone you don't know. They are asking you what is your name and how old are you? What should you do?
Don't respond to them. Ask an adult.
What does all CAPITALS mean when you are sending a message online?
TYPING IN ALL CAPS means yelling. Most people don't like reading things in all capitals. Use sparingly.
True or False? All parents have the same rules about using the internet.
False--Families have different rules for using the internet, cell phones, and video games.
True or False? You should use letters AND numbers to create my password.
True--This is more difficult for someone to figure out.
You are looking at a cool website and an advertisement pops up saying that you won a free iPod! What should you do?
Don't click the ad! It could put a virus on your computer. A virus can slow down your computer or break it!
Give an example of a trusted adult.
A trusted adult could be a parent, grandparent, teacher, aunt or uncle, police officer, doctor, minister or leader of your church, etc
Imagine you’re watching videos online with a friend. After you finish watching your video, another one starts playing automatically. It has some bad language. What do you do?
Turn off the computer or close the browser window. Tell an adult.
True or False? You should create your password using your name and age so it will be easier to remember.
You accidentally see something online that makes you feel confused or scared. What do you do?
Any of these answers: You can turn off the computer. You could close the browser window (press x to close.) Tell a trusted adult.
True or False? The Golden Rule does NOT apply to behavior online. "Treat Others the way you want to be treated."
False----The Golden Rule applies to your behavior online. Be kind and respectful online. Use the Golden Rule!
What does UYN stand for? U_ _ Y_ _ _ _ N_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Use Your Netsmartz! (Be smart about using the internet.)
True or False? I can share my password with my parents.
TRUE---It is okay to share your password with your parents. But don't share passwords with anyone else, not even your best friend!
I received an e-mail saying I won $1,000,000,00! All I have to do is click a link and provide my personal information, what should I do?
Do not open an email from a stranger. Never provide personal information over the internet to a stranger. Ask a trusted adult.
Your friend Chris sent you a funny picture of himself. You really want to send it to your friend Michael. What should you do?
Ask Chris' permission first before you share pictures of someone else.
Is the Cyber Chip required for Webelos?
Yes, It is required for all Cub Scouts every year. Next year, you will need to "recharge" your Webelos Cyber Chip.