Cooking Safety
Rethink Your Drink
Healthy Eating
WeCook Random

Is it okay to start cooking before reading the recipe all the way through?

We need to read the recipe from start to finish so we can make sure we have everything we need.


What are the 5 food groups on MyPlate?

Vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, & dairy


Which drink has more grams of sugar, soda or energy drinks?



Which type of bread would take longer to digest in your stomach, white bread or whole grain bread?

*BONUS POINT if you can explain why

Whole Grain bread

*the fiber “causes starch to break down more slowly in the gut than simple sugar


What are the 2 types of fats?

Saturated and unsaturated


What is the safest way to cut a food that is round? 

Such as an onion, bell pepper or tomato

Cut in half to make a flat surface.

What color is the grains group?



Name (2) two beverages we could make ourselves at home.

1. Flavored water, fruit soda

2. Smoothies


How can we find out how much added sugar, solid fat, and/or salt is in a food?

By reading the Nutrition Facts label


Name (2) two things you should do when trying new foods.

1. Be open to trying new foods

2. Don't yuck my yum


Name (5) five hand washing habits.

1. After using the bathroom

2. Before eating

3. After touching and animal or pet

4. After you cough or blow your nose

5. After playing outside


What two food groups would yogurt fit into?

Dairy and protein


According to this Nutrition facts label, 

how many grams of sugar is there?

how many grams added sugar? 

12 grams

10 grams


Which type of fat is usually healthier for us?

Unsaturated fats


How much of your plate should be fruits and vegetables at meals?

Half your plate


What are the (5) five steps to washing your hands?

1. Use warm water

2. Lather with soap

3. Rub/wash hands for 20 seconds (ABC or HBD)

4. Rinse hands with warm water

5. Dry hands with clean towel


What is the purpose of MyPlate?

MyPlate shows the 5 food groups that you should have on your plate to fuel your mind and body throughout the day


Fill in the blanks:

Drinks with added sugar give us quick bursts of ______ and ______ but usually don't provide other important nutrients our bodies need for long-lasting energy and to stay healthy.

Energy & flavor


Name the 3 parts of a whole grain seed

bran, germ, and endosperm


What is the minimum amount of time you should be physically active?

60 minutes / 1 hour


Name (5) three basic knife safety tips?

1. Bear claw

2. Stand when cutting with knife

3.  Point tip of knife toward the cutting board

4. Slide knife down and back like a saw 

5.. Knives down when you're not cutting


Other than teaching about the 5 food groups name to other healthy eating lessons My plate teaches us.

1. Portion control

2. Eat the Rainbow - eat a variety of foods from each food group


How many grams of added sugar should we have each day?

25 grams


What are the two grain groups?

1. Whole Grains

2. Refined Grains


Name three (3) healthy nutrients fruits and vegetables gives us?

1. Vitamins

2. Minerals

3.Antioxidants (dark color fruits/vegetables - red, blue, purple)