In the beginning_____ created the ______ and the ______. Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Who was the righteous man and did everything just as God commanded in this story?
What is the first Commandment?
You shall not have other gods before me
Guess a movie
What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl?
In which day did God create animals and humans?
6th Day
How many sons did Noah have?
Honor your parents is the fifth Commandment. How can we honor our parents?
Answer varies
guess a candy
Kit Kat
What is the highest mountain on earth?
Mount Everest
By what did God create the world?
By His words God created the world. God spoke, and the world came to be. Genesis 1:3–27
How did other people act in Noah's time?
corrupt in God's sight and full of violence
Please put the following commandments in order
Shall not steal
Remember the Sabbath Day
Shall not murder
4th-Remember the Sabbath Day
6th-Shall not murder
8th-Shall not steal
Everyone in the team does 10 jumping jacks to earn 500 points
Which bird goes “hoot” in the night?
What did God create in each day? Name at least three days. Genesis 1:3–27
Day 1 - Light, Day 2 - Sky, Day 3 - Sea/land/plants Day 4 - Sun/moon/stars Day 5 - Living creatures for sky & sea, Day 6 - Living creatures for the land including human
His wife, three sons and their wives
Case study: One day a wimpy kid went to Target with his parents. They were going to pick a birthday gift for his best friend. But at the end he wanted to buy a gift for himself too. What commandment did he break?
10th-You shall not covet
Guess a country
What is a baby cow called?
A. Calf
B. Puppy
C. Chick
C. Calf
What does creation show us about who God is?
God is powerful in creating a whole world from nothing. God is good and God is love so He created a beautiful world.
Wild card
Add 500 points to the lowest team
What do Ten Commandments demand of me?
I should honor and obey God and live in a way that pleases God in every area of my life.
Guess a Bible Character
How many books are there in the Bible?
A. 27
B. 39
C. 66
D. 68
C. 66