
Anna drinks a lot less than she used to, hence why she still has friends that speak to her. That being said she still likes to imbibe responsibly on occasion. What is Anna's favorite alcoholic beverage? 100 bonus points if you can name the variety.

Wine - Pinot Noir. Not to be confused with her drag name, Pinot Boudoir.


When Anna met Nolan, he was still exploring the world of beer. Thankfully, Mike is the perfect person to guide anyone through this experience. After his pilgrim-Briggs (pilgrimage), what category of beer does Nolan proudly state is his favorite?

IPAs. He is proud to be the first man in his mid-20s to have this opinion. Truly, a pioneer.


How did Anna and Nolan meet each other?

Bumble. They can't wait to share this romantic and original story with the grandkids. 


Although both are night owls on the weekends, the work week is a little different. Who typically stays up the latest Sun-Thu?



Although they both love NH, it is hella expensive to live in. What state are Anna and Nolan planning to move to?



When Anna was young, she was allergic to one of her favorite foods but would eat it all the time anyway. Which food guaranteed Anna to wake her less-than-thrilled parents up at 3 AM with her feet covered in hives?



What Christian denomination is Nolan a part of? 100 bonus points if you can state what the best man likes to refer to it as. 

Seventh Day Adventist (SDA), or as Josh likes to call it, Seventh Level Adventurist.


Since moving to Keene, Anna and Nolan have cleaned up their eating habits considerably. Despite this, they have a dark past. What was Anna and Nolan's go to fast food when Nolan lived in Claremont?

Taco Bell. They used to go there about once a week. 


Nolan and Anna's engagement was one of the most exciting parts of 2024 for them. Where did Nolan ask the big question?

Mt. Monadnock. He did NOT believe Anna when she described how difficult of a hike it is.


How many kids do Anna and Nolan want?

Two. Nolan always wanted siblings growing up and Anna loved having a sister. But three would mean they're outnumbered. Gotta keep those kids humble. 


What was Anna's major area of study when she attended UNH? Hint: She changed majors when organic chemistry sucked the life out of her.

Neuroscience and Behavior


Anna loves an educated man. Which college/university did the groom attend? 100 bonus points if you can state what he studied.

Andrews University - Information Systems


What relationship milestone did Nolan insist on not reaching before getting married, but he changed his mind on? Keep it PG, Cheri.

Moving in together. Nolan changed his mind when he realized how much sense it made financially (swoon).


One of Anna and Nolan's favorite things to do together is go out for good food. Although they both love many types of cuisine, what would both Anna and Nolan say is their favorite type food to have together?



Although a generally upstanding citizen, Anna has stolen one thing in her life (that she knows of). What was the object of Anna's thievery and the debut for her brief career in crime?

A betta fish living in a Captain Morgan bottle, which she swiped from a house party at UNH when the RA's showed up. 


Those who know Nolan know that he is obsessed with cars. What kind of car does Nolan drive?

Honda S2000


Anna's dad loves to give bad nicknames. What nickname did he give to Nolan that was based on who he lived with at the time?

Josh's Roommate (E.g., "Is Josh's roommate joining us for dinner on Friday?", "Are you going up to see Josh's roommate this weekend?", etc.)


Anna and Nolan have regular game nights with friends and family, however the kind of games they enjoy are sometimes different. What are Anna and Nolan's favorite genre of games, respectively?

Anna - Trivia; Nolan - Strategy

Anyone who has used them knows that while there are a lot of creeps and degenerates on dating apps, it is difficult to get banned from using them. That being said, which dating app has Anna been banned from using by the app itself? 100 bonus points if you know why.

Tinder. She made a fake profile for a screwdriver, which violated their terms of service stating that users cannot create fake profiles. Apparently a screwdriver is easy to prove to be "not a real person".


Although he has called New Hampshire home for the last 5 years, Nolan actually moved to New England for the first time in 2020. Which NE state did he first move to? 100 bonus points if you can also name the city.

New Haven, CT. He moved to be close to his job before it went remote due to COVID.


On which federal holiday did Anna and Nolan meet in person for the first time? 100 bonus points if you can state the exact date.

Veteran's Day - November 11, 2021


Anna is very happy that her future husband has a good relationship with her father. In fact, Nolan is Mike's first successful guest to attend this specific yearly event.

Guys Weekend. Nolan has come home three years in a row without being given nicknames such as "Up-Chuck" or "Ben-d Over". This is a record streak for Mike's guests and Nolan continues to attend every year.