What drink can Katie not get enough of?
What is Diet Coke
Where did Jesse go to college?
Ozark Christian College
What was the couple's first unofficial date?
BONUS for what Jesse ranked the day
Six Flags
A solid 6/10
Name the movie this quote is from
"So I can kiss you anytime I want"
Sweet Home Alabama
What is the capitol of Scotland?
When is Katie's birthday? Day, Month, Year.
What is Katie's future mother in law's name?
Who's a better cook?
BONUS for what device Jesse bought Katie to cook what better
A meat thermometer, for her chicken
Name the three women Ross married in the popular sitcom known as FRIENDS
Carol, Rachel and Emily
Which town do Fred, Wilma and Barney live in?
BONUS for the American sitcom they're from
The Flinstones
What does Katie want to name her first daughter?
BONUS if you know the movie that did or did not inspire this
What is Darcy Elizabeth
What does the groom do for a living?
Worship Leader
How many days until the Wedding?
Finish the lyrics
"L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
BONUS if you can name the artist
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Nat King Cole
What is the longest river in the US?
BONUS if you can name the second longest
The Missouri
The Mississippi
Katie drinks this cold beverage in the bath often
What is a smoothie
What is the number one shoe brand that Katie owns that Jesse would never?
What is Sketchers
Who said I Love You first?
BONUS if you know when
Their 7th month anniversary date
In some cultures, like Hindu, this on your wedding day is considered goodluck
What does WWE stand for?
BONUS if you can name 3 wrestlers
World Wrestling Entertainment
What unit at the hospital does Katie work on?
BONUS if you know the full hospital name
Cook Children's Medical Center
What color are Jesse's eyes?
What instrument did Jesse attempt to teach Katie before they started dating?
BONUS if you know where it happened
The Drums
This wedding flower is the most popular wedding flower choice in the US
How many bones are in the human body?
BONUS if you can name 10