Just notice, be alert but don't let emotions lead you.
What is Observe
Friendships last longer when we are mindful.
What Mindfulness of Others
Meaning, One thing in the moment, imagery, relaxing, meaning, self-encouragement, vacation
What Improving the Moment
A - Accumalate Positive Emotions
B - Build Mastery
C - Cope Ahead of Time with Emotional Situations
What is Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion Mind—
Building a Life Worth Living
Acts of service, touch, words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts
What are the 5 love languages
Describe with facts, don't assume or use "SHOULD" Let go of judgment.
What is Non-judgmental Stance
Decide to end relationships in WHAT #1,
never in WHAT #2
What is WISE MIND and Emotion Mind
What is the TIPP skill
Encourage yourself or someone else
What is cheerleading
Accepting different opinions
What is Think Dialectically
Skills to Increase: Mindfulness skills, Interpersonal effectiveness skills, Emotion regulation skills, Distress tolerance skills.
Behaviours to decrease: Mindlessness; Interpersonal conflict and stress; Absence of flexibility; Up-and-down and extreme emotions; Impulsive behaviors; acting without thinking;
What is Goals of Skill Training
Finding ways to connect with and be mindful of other people
What is Relationship Building
Acceptance without approving
What is Radical Acceptance
What is Build Positive Experience
Be open to accepting people where they are at but you don't have to agree with them
What is Willingness over Willfulness
Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment, Without judging or rejecting the moment, Without attachment to the moment.
What is Mindfulness
Be fair, no Apologies, Stick to Values, be truthful
What is FAST SKill
Comparing options for and against in a mindful way
What is Pro and Cons
Connecting your actions to your values
What is Values Skill
Reduce suffering and increase happiness, increase control of your mind, experience reality as it is
What is Mindfulness
This helps you identify what got in the way of doing things you needed or hoped to do, things you agreed to do, or things others expected you to do. It also helps you problem solve for the future
What is Missing Link Analysis
Pay Attention, reflect back, "Read Minds", understand, acknowledge the valid, show equality
What are types of validation
Not in Addict Mind or Clean Mind
What is Clear mind: The safest place to be.
What emotion or emotions can you not EVER experience?
What is None. They are all valid, it is what you do with the emotion that may not be valid
What is the word Consultation Team uses to get back to topic.