Where in the NT does it say “God is Spirit”?
John 4:24
How long did it take for Abraham to travel to Mt. Moriah?
3 Days
Who was Jude?
The brother of Jesus Christ and the brother of James
What are the 4 tools to overcome anxiety that Sister Emily shared?
Word of God / Hymns / Testimonies / Prayer
When was TJC founded?
Where in the Bible does it say our God is ONE?
Dt 6:4-5
What did Abraham name the mountain that he sacrified Isaac and why?
The Lord Will Provide because the Lord provided Abraham with a ram
What does Doxology mean?
The praise of God through literature
What does the acronym A.S.K stand for? (just the first word is fine)
A.cknowledge their struggle, without judgment (not like Job’s friends); S.upport - help to redirect their focus to God, not on themselves; K.eep in touch (1 Cor
How many eggs does a chicken lay in a year?
What life application can we learn from the fact that Esau was tired after he came in from the field?
We should not let our hobbies and interests tire us to the point where they influence our life negatively(or similar acceptable answer)
WITHOUT YOUR BIBLE Fill in the blanks: “Beloved, while I was very _____ to write to you concerning our common _______, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to _______ earnestly for the faith which was once for all _______to the _____.” Jude 1:3 NKJV
Diligent; salvation; contend; delivered; saints
What’s the problem with social media? Name 4
Distraction; comparisons, “ideal life”; instant gratification; need for affirmation; extreme,attention grabbing behavior
What did Jacob being single for so long "lead to"
marrying 4 wives
Name the 3 arguments for the existence of a God, and what each mean(what are they the argument of?).
Cosmological(Argument from Cause and Purpose), Teleological(Argument by Design), Axiological(Argument from existence of objective morality)
What was the problem with the church?
People “crept in unnoticed”, and used their influence/positions to twist the faith, deceive members
According to 2 Thessalonians, how can we be worthy for the kingdom of God?
Grow in faith, abound in love, and have patience in suffering
What is the difference in the way that God’s spirit is mentioned between the OT and NT? Specifically, what is different about the way God’s spirit/the spirit of God helps people/us?
In the OT, the “spirit of God” comes upon people to do work only for a short time. In the NT, the Holy Spirit dwells within us forever.
Explain what Abraham sacrificing Isaac prefigures. Explain what certain parts of Isaac’s story represent in the future.
Isaac carrying the wood -> Jesus carrying the cross; Isaac and Jesus obeyed to the point of death; both were offerings; Isaac was like raised from the dead-> Jesus was actually raised from the dead; both conceived through the promise of God; Isaac replaced by ram; Isaac was the shadow and Jesus is the embodiment
What are the characteristics of “men who have crept in unnoticed”:
Rebellious Israelites:Did not believe (v.5)
Rebellious angels:[Angels] who did not keep their proper domain (v.6)
Rebellious cities: Given themselves over to sexual immorality/homosexuality (v.7)
Rebellious “dreamers”: Defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries
What are three things that Paul says we should pray about?
Worthy of this calling; fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness; the name of Jesus be glorified in us
What is Pr. Raymond’s favorite hymn? A. 378 Trust and Obey B. 499 Pass it on C. 483 Breathe on me D. 424 The King’s Business
D. 424 The King’s Business