Is the lone Presbyterian in the 7th grade class.
Who is Holling Hoodhood?
Holling purchased these from Mr. Goldman for his class.
What are cream puffs?
The reason Mrs. Baker insists that Holling open all of her classroom windows each Wednesday afternoon.
What is so that air can circulate?
The name of the principal, who's long ambition ahs been to "become dictator of a small country" (19).
Who is Mr. Guareschi?
Is located where in the town.
What is in the middle?
Got a concussion when his head collided with the goal post
Who is Doug Swieteck's older brother?
He needed a boy that knew Shakespeare.
Who is Mr. Goldman?
Mrs. Baker jumped onto Danny Hupfer's desk and yelled "oh" when this happened.
What is when the rats escape from their cages?
Accepted to be reassigned to the Main Administrative Office after an incident involving hair dye and the water fountain .
Who is Mrs. Sidman?
The walkway is bordered by these perfectly matching bushes, all exactly the same height.
What are azaleas?
Became Holling's enemy
Who is Doug Swieteck's older brother?
Told Holling, "But, when I look at you, you're just the Son Who Is Going to Inherit Hoodhood and Associates" ((37).
Who is Holling's sister?
Mrs. Baker is related to the Bakers who own this store.
What is the Baker Sporting Emporium?
Is keeping a stash in the coat room in preparation for Number 166.
Who is Doug Swieteck?
Holling's source of money to purchase the cream puffs.
What is his allowance?
Holling carried the chalky cream puffs to Mrs. Baker's car for these ladies.
Who are the Wives of Vietnam Soldiers?
The name of Shakespeare's play where Holling learns to "curse"
What is The Tempest?
Since she did this, Holling is spared being killed by his classmates.
What is buying 24 cream puffs from Goldman's best bakery?
Has been in love with Holling since the 3rd grade, and is the daughter of Holling's father's business rival.
Who is Meryl Lee Kowalski?
The CBS Nightly News anchorman reporting on the war in Vietnam.
Who is Walter Cronkite?
Sycorax and Caliban
What are the names of Mrs. Baker's rats?
The reason Holling concludes,
"But Shakespeare was wrong.
Sometimes there isn't a Prospero to make everything fine again.
And sometimes the quality of mercy is strained." (72)
What is Holling's reaction to the news that Mrs. Bigio's husband had "died on a small hill with no name, in a small part of Vietnam" (72)?
The play she is commenting on when she says, "There is a part of us that can be so awful. And Shakespeare shows it to us in Calaban. But there's another part of us too - a part that uses defeat to grow. I wish we could have seen that by the end of the play" (70).
What is The Tempest?
Yells to Holling, "Hoodhood, call that running?"
Who is Coach Quatrini, the PE teacher?
The symbolism of the bright yellow flower painted on Holling's sister's cheek.
What is being a flower child?